where to begin

Dec 19, 2009 00:07

It's been a while since I last posted anything other than my thankful list.

Living on an acreage has certainly been a learning experience. Before moving out here I had only a passing knowledge of septic systems. In fact I had no idea there were different types. Since our septic field failure November 9th I've learned a lot. I'm no expert but ( Read more... )

house, septic systems

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Comments 5

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aetheldaeg December 20 2009, 05:06:23 UTC
She's doing okay. Actually I'm kind of surprised how well she is doing.


lesli December 19 2009, 14:56:47 UTC
I bet your mom won't notice how many coats of paint are on the walls and will be very thrilled of one of the handmade stockings are for her. You have been very busy, my dear.


aetheldaeg December 20 2009, 05:09:44 UTC
She already has one of the stockings. About 28 years ago my sister made Christmas stocking for everyone in our family. When our youngest was born I made her a stocking. When our oldest got married I made a stocking for her husband and then for the two grandkids. Our youngest is living with her boyfriend... has been for a few years so I made him a stocking this year and Version 2.0 for our youngest as the original needed replacing.


opakele December 20 2009, 06:28:51 UTC
I'm right there with you. I have not mailed cards yet. I still have a few gifts to get.

Happy Holidays to you and Hubby! Enjoy.


aetheldaeg December 20 2009, 09:32:34 UTC
I was listening to the news and it seems more people than in past years haven't finished their Christmas shopping yet. I hope you can finish your shopping before it gets really crazy out there.
Merry Christmas.


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