I have no more Guy icons! T.Tlittle_ribbonFebruary 13 2007, 15:55:38 UTC
xD I will patiently await my Asch/Luke wankage fic. Someone will write it! For now, this will definitely do. *laughs* Asch's idea of a Valentine is a little.. off. ;) Although the thought is sweet. Heh. *pats him*
LOL! If being critical means cruel, TOTALLY. ♥ I shouldn't be judging, because I know if I wrote anything it would be posted on ff.net in the THIS SUCKS catagory . ;) But honestly, a lot of what is out there... I think it isn't worth my time. :P Or yours. Or anyone's.
IT CANNOT WAIT!! Your fanfic is like LPS to me - it might be GONE if I wait too long to get my grabby hands on it. xD YOU NEVER KNOW. LJ MIGHT BE DOWN IN FIVE MINUTES! MY INTERNET COULD DIE. No, really, I just need to leave the house soon. ;)
You're being waaay too polite. xD *blinks* ... Is there anything you want? xD *offers YSI once more*
it's okay, you can have mine too! : ))aefallenFebruary 13 2007, 16:05:59 UTC
......... *long pause*. You know, I haven't forgotten that one. Um. Well, never say never! Until two hours ago I didn't ever think I'd write Asch/Guy.
Oh, you should see his idea of a birthday present. D<
Oh! NOW I know what must have set it off! I ran down to pick up the second volume of one of the Abyss anthologies, and there were eight 4-komas of Asch side-by-side. And this really funny Asch-and-Natalia comic (... I ship Asch/Natalia like I ship Conrad/Yuuri) that I actually liked because Asch had 1001 expressions and somersaulted into the frame. I think the positive spillover Asch happy turned into this. I want to scan you the cheegle art! But father is on the computer.
I've been reading a lot of FFXII fic last night and went stupid with happy. ♥
... NOT TRUE. You know, I think you wrote good fanfiction. If only I could encourage you to write more. >D
XD Actually you're not far wrong. I always get uncommonly nervous when I post fic, and sometimes if the nerves overcome me I put it on private. Hee! Japanese lessons! Take
( ... )
This made me all sorts of happy. I squinted really, really hard and the magic of this lies in the last line of the fic. X3 Tee-hee~ What a wonderful thing to read before going to bed. xD
And to think I almost didn't leave the last line in! *laughing* Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked this! *grin*
Good night ~ And I'll see you very soon! *grin* I was just in LC today and it'll close early on the day you arrive and be closed for CNY, so it's a good thing I'll see you after? ;)
BY JENOVA SHACHOU, I am amazed that you took the time and trouble to read this after your killer day! *snug* Thank you so much, and you would not believe how happy YOU capslocking makes me. ♥
Thank you so much! *grin* After flooring me with the quality of your stories, you saying this makes me really happy. ♥ I'm glad this worked for you! :D
Ahahahahaha! :D I can't express how much reading this cheered me up! Hee. And I didn't have to look hard at all, then again, I always know what to look for. *evil laugh* :3 Poor Guy, if he think he's got it bad now, just wait until Asch really gets ahold of Luke and teaches him a thing or two. Then he'll have nowhere left to run~ Of course, most people wouldn't consider that a doom, but this is Asch after all...
(you made Asch smile!)aefallenFebruary 13 2007, 16:23:19 UTC
*colours and beams brilliantly* Thank you so much! *grin* I don't suppose I need to say that you liking this means the world to me, but knowing that it cheered you up means even more. You make me want to go off and radiate fanart at you. *grin*
I actually love that you know what to look for, and you find even more! ♥
Poor Guy, if he think he's got it bad now, just wait until Asch really gets ahold of Luke and teaches him a thing or two XDD!!! I leave that in your capable hands (and imagination!) XD Trust you to think of that angle! *wild approval* >D
You know that deep down inside, Asch really welcomes it. He just won't be honest with himself. >D
[By the way, congratulations on Level 70! *grin* That was fast!]
Re: (you made Asch smile!)meimiFebruary 13 2007, 16:40:17 UTC
♥ Oh yes, it did! Like a little light switch going on. ^^; I've been pretty disgustingly sick over the past few days and doing my best not to gift my flist with my emo over it along with the icky details. And, of course, Valentine's is almost here so I've been attempting to write something HAHA attempting and then you show up with this... and really, reading this wonderful little fic really helped my mood more than I can possibly express. :3 ♥ I think I'll try finishing that damn fic after I get some sleep. I feel inspired now!
Asch makes it real easy to find stuff. *evil laugh*
You've got to admit, a determined Asch and a not quite so clueless anymore Luke are a pretty dangerous combination. ;) Poor Guy won't know what hit him.
Asch? Be honest with himself? Perish the thought.
[Not as fast as some of my guild mates! But I did pretty good regardless. :D All for my pretty gryphon~ I'm such a sucker for pretty pixels. :x]
...I suddenly imagined those Siamese cats as our favourite redheads.aefallenFebruary 13 2007, 17:53:41 UTC
! *beams and radiates happy at you for the light switch!* But I'm so sorry to hear you've been so ill. *snug* I don't suppose the weather is helping, is it? [But remember that if you ever need to vent or talk or anything, we're there.]
Your attempts seem far better than what most ordinary writers can manage! I wish you all the best on the new story, and I'm happy for the inspiration! *grin* It's all good! I think writing is a collective/cumulative thing - it's fun to bounce ideas or just be collectively creative. ;) Do get as much rest as you can. I hope you're feeling better soon.
XDDD Asch makes it EASY, period (maybe!). HEHEHEH. He's just so fun to abuse/torture/torment sometimes. But it's all for his own good, really, and we'll make sure he's happy in the end!
I really like it when you write not so clueless Luke. *evil grin* Your Luke is quite delightful.
We can live in hope! XD [Pretty darn good! *grin* I have a very rough idea of how long it takes to get up to 67 from 65, and all the way up to 70 is amazing. Then again
( ... )
And you wrote this one hour?!
My dear, you need to write more. *hugs* ♥
This time, there is something gentle even in the strength of the hands that pin Guy’s wrists to his sides. “And this,” says Luke, with an emotion Guy cannot at first identify, “Is so that you remember this - ” And Guy cannot understand why it is that Luke has come so close, right up until the moment Luke kisses him.
It is over in a heartbeat, and then intent green eyes meet Guy’s.
“And remember me.”
(admittedly, he probably didn't look like a cockroach head at that point of time because he was in Luke's body but you know what I mean...)
OMG. But this was just... wow. How did Bya-buns and pink fluffy bunnies manage to inspire you to do thisI promise a comment that's a lot more coherent than this when I'm 1. at home 2. not hungry 3. not thinking of pink bunnies.
( ... )
*showers you with sparkling sakura petals and usagi chans*aefallenFebruary 13 2007, 16:32:22 UTC
How did Bya-buns and pink fluffy bunnies manage to inspire you to do this? XDDD!!! I don't know! XDD Clearly you need to show me more cracked-up videos! XDD I think it was my viewing of that video that initiated a deep systemic instability that culminated in my being able to write something for a pairing which on an ordinary day I view with the same cheerful happy as Murata/Wolfram.
Heheheh - I think the vague idea was percolating in my head for the better part of eight hours, but it wasn't until the last two hours that it actually took the shape you see here. xDD
*giggles helplessly* Thank you so much! I'm just - unbelievably glad you liked it this much!
!!! Thank you! To tell the truth I was actually worried about that scene. I'm most pleasantly surprised that you liked it! XDDDD
!!! Thank you so much! I'm just radiating joy at the screen now! What SERIOUSLY makes me XDDDDD is that ... I made you like That Person?! for some mysterious and unknown reason this isn't the first time - I've been told before that I make people
( ... )
Re: *showers you with sparkling sakura petals and usagi chans*risaxFebruary 14 2007, 01:04:13 UTC
If this is what cracked-up videos make you'll do I'll gladly look for more!
I think I've got a soft spot for that sort of scenes... it's the intensity of it I think - it's intense but yet manages to grab your heart and make you go "awww..." somewhere really really deep inside
( ... )
EMITS. A . WORLD . OF . HEARTS . AT . YOU .aefallenFebruary 13 2007, 17:05:02 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
OH. MY. HEAVENS - Thank you so much! I - wh - what have I done to deserve this, this was beautiful! Thank you so much - *ON FIRE WITH HAPPY* - thank you! I love your choice of colours - just that choice alone does everything to capture the setting of the story and how it happens in my imagination. And I love the style! It's pure stark beauty - I love how this one image can say so much. LITERALLY, your picture is worth my thousand words - AND MORE. You've got me with my hand over my mouth going I can't believe this ♥ in the best possible way. I love that you drew Luke/Asch with that knowing smirk and that way his mouth tilts upwards. I love the way you draw Guy's eyes! Thank you thank you so much - this is priceless. You've made my yesterday and my today and my whole entire week and my EVERYTHING. ♥
Comments 39
I looked really really hard and I found something I like. xD
....and no nightmare could kiss like that.
*laughs* I'm sitting here in my towel - only YOU could make me sit down and read this before getting dressed - and melting because it is so good. xD
It's good fic! IT IS GOOD ABYSS FIC. *happy sigh* It's been soooo long since I last saw good Abyss fic. ;)
I hope Nii-san sees this soon. :D
*giggles* Thank you so much, sweetheart. You're actually more critical of fanfiction than I am, so I look forward to your opinion. ♥
Also! Sitting in a towel! Please go and dry yourself off before you catch a cold! The story can wait, you know. ;)
Heheheh. Thank you so much once again! ; )
LOL! If being critical means cruel, TOTALLY. ♥ I shouldn't be judging, because I know if I wrote anything it would be posted on ff.net in the THIS SUCKS catagory . ;) But honestly, a lot of what is out there... I think it isn't worth my time. :P Or yours. Or anyone's.
IT CANNOT WAIT!! Your fanfic is like LPS to me - it might be GONE if I wait too long to get my grabby hands on it. xD YOU NEVER KNOW. LJ MIGHT BE DOWN IN FIVE MINUTES! MY INTERNET COULD DIE. No, really, I just need to leave the house soon. ;)
You're being waaay too polite. xD *blinks* ... Is there anything you want? xD *offers YSI once more*
Oh, you should see his idea of a birthday present. D<
Oh! NOW I know what must have set it off! I ran down to pick up the second volume of one of the Abyss anthologies, and there were eight 4-komas of Asch side-by-side. And this really funny Asch-and-Natalia comic (... I ship Asch/Natalia like I ship Conrad/Yuuri) that I actually liked because Asch had 1001 expressions and somersaulted into the frame. I think the positive spillover Asch happy turned into this. I want to scan you the cheegle art! But father is on the computer.
I've been reading a lot of FFXII fic last night and went stupid with happy. ♥
... NOT TRUE. You know, I think you wrote good fanfiction. If only I could encourage you to write more. >D
XD Actually you're not far wrong. I always get uncommonly nervous when I post fic, and sometimes if the nerves overcome me I put it on private. Hee! Japanese lessons! Take ( ... )
Good night ~ And I'll see you very soon! *grin* I was just in LC today and it'll close early on the day you arrive and be closed for CNY, so it's a good thing I'll see you after? ;)
That was beautiful :D. I love how vivid the entire thing was.
Thank you so much! *grin* After flooring me with the quality of your stories, you saying this makes me really happy. ♥ I'm glad this worked for you! :D
I actually love that you know what to look for, and you find even more! ♥
Poor Guy, if he think he's got it bad now, just wait until Asch really gets ahold of Luke and teaches him a thing or two
XDD!!! I leave that in your capable hands (and imagination!) XD Trust you to think of that angle! *wild approval* >D
You know that deep down inside, Asch really welcomes it. He just won't be honest with himself. >D
[By the way, congratulations on Level 70! *grin* That was fast!]
Asch makes it real easy to find stuff. *evil laugh*
You've got to admit, a determined Asch and a not quite so clueless anymore Luke are a pretty dangerous combination. ;) Poor Guy won't know what hit him.
Asch? Be honest with himself? Perish the thought.
[Not as fast as some of my guild mates! But I did pretty good regardless. :D All for my pretty gryphon~ I'm such a sucker for pretty pixels. :x]
Your attempts seem far better than what most ordinary writers can manage! I wish you all the best on the new story, and I'm happy for the inspiration! *grin* It's all good! I think writing is a collective/cumulative thing - it's fun to bounce ideas or just be collectively creative. ;) Do get as much rest as you can. I hope you're feeling better soon.
XDDD Asch makes it EASY, period (maybe!). HEHEHEH. He's just so fun to abuse/torture/torment sometimes. But it's all for his own good, really, and we'll make sure he's happy in the end!
I really like it when you write not so clueless Luke. *evil grin* Your Luke is quite delightful.
We can live in hope! XD [Pretty darn good! *grin* I have a very rough idea of how long it takes to get up to 67 from 65, and all the way up to 70 is amazing. Then again ( ... )
And you wrote this one hour?!
My dear, you need to write more. *hugs* ♥
This time, there is something gentle even in the strength of the hands that pin Guy’s wrists to his sides. “And this,” says Luke, with an emotion Guy cannot at first identify, “Is so that you remember this - ” And Guy cannot understand why it is that Luke has come so close, right up until the moment Luke kisses him.
It is over in a heartbeat, and then intent green eyes meet Guy’s.
“And remember me.”
(admittedly, he probably didn't look like a cockroach head at that point of time because he was in Luke's body but you know what I mean...)
OMG. But this was just... wow. How did Bya-buns and pink fluffy bunnies manage to inspire you to do thisI promise a comment that's a lot more coherent than this when I'm 1. at home 2. not hungry 3. not thinking of pink bunnies. ( ... )
XDDD!!! I don't know! XDD Clearly you need to show me more cracked-up videos! XDD I think it was my viewing of that video that initiated a deep systemic instability that culminated in my being able to write something for a pairing which on an ordinary day I view with the same cheerful happy as Murata/Wolfram.
Heheheh - I think the vague idea was percolating in my head for the better part of eight hours, but it wasn't until the last two hours that it actually took the shape you see here. xDD
*giggles helplessly* Thank you so much! I'm just - unbelievably glad you liked it this much!
!!! Thank you! To tell the truth I was actually worried about that scene. I'm most pleasantly surprised that you liked it! XDDDD
!!! Thank you so much! I'm just radiating joy at the screen now! What SERIOUSLY makes me XDDDDD is that ... I made you like That Person?! for some mysterious and unknown reason this isn't the first time - I've been told before that I make people ( ... )
I think I've got a soft spot for that sort of scenes... it's the intensity of it I think - it's intense but yet manages to grab your heart and make you go "awww..." somewhere really really deep inside ( ... )
OH. MY. HEAVENS - Thank you so much! I - wh - what have I done to deserve this, this was beautiful! Thank you so much - *ON FIRE WITH HAPPY* - thank you! I love your choice of colours - just that choice alone does everything to capture the setting of the story and how it happens in my imagination. And I love the style! It's pure stark beauty - I love how this one image can say so much. LITERALLY, your picture is worth my thousand words - AND MORE. You've got me with my hand over my mouth going I can't believe this ♥ in the best possible way. I love that you drew Luke/Asch with that knowing smirk and that way his mouth tilts upwards. I love the way you draw Guy's eyes! Thank you thank you so much - this is priceless. You've made my yesterday and my today and my whole entire week and my EVERYTHING. ♥
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