megan, sdkjfhsdgjdsghet. thats what i feel like, cuz i dont even know what to say to you! and yeah i kno that is about me, and dont plan on me coming to you for things anyways..never have, and never will because you never did much to help cuz alll you worry about it your boyfriend. i dont want me saying these things to get us into a fight, but you said what yu thought and now im saying what i think. see you later. i need a ride to school tuesday too!
Bailey you know what megan is just tryin to look out for you and you have room to talk about unprotected sex.... miss i do know of you and rachelles little secrets thanks and so why dont you stop postin shit about meagan... her and luther have been together for awhile so ya know yeah it isnt right but at least he aint just some guy she dating for a week or isnt even dating just a fuck... why dont you and rachelle think about that one... they are in love *not sayin its right meg so use proteciton babe* but theres feeling involved.. you and rachelle and meg should stop the fighting meg just loves yous like i love rachelle and doesnt wanna see you guys fuck up!. she aint the only one!
welcome babe :) im noticing a big change in rachelle to so its not just you... my mom is sick and in the hospital the whole time she was home rachelle didnt come to see her or nothing but yet she called once.. then my grandma was in the hospital and she didnt even go see her either but i guess ya know when youd rather party you start to change cuz the old rachelle cared about everyone... and im seein a new girl..
Re: WOAH..aduckadada2September 12 2005, 00:46:16 UTC
Fur sure I know what you are saying cause Rachelle was talking about your mom being in the Hospital :-/ Sorry about that by the way I hope she is doing better.....
you are saying cause
Rachelle was talking
about your mom being
in the Hospital :-/
Sorry about that by
the way I hope she is
doing better.....
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