(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 13:35


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The list of all characters/players that are currently on hiatus. Leave a comment using the form below to let us and the other players know when you're going on hiatus. Your comment will be deleted once you have returned. If you don't know how long you'll be gone for, just put 'indefinite' in the 'length of hiatus' part.

A hiatus cannot last longer than three months. If you are going to be gone for that long, it's best to drop the character altogether until you can find more time to dedicate to the game and its players, at which point you may reapp should the character still be open.

Hiatusing Player's Name
Hiatusing Player's Characters
Length of Hiatus

Player (character/s) | xx-xx → xx-xx

hiatus, mod post

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