Title: What He Sees
Fandom: Firefly
Character(s)/Pairing: Mal/Inara
Prompt: Calm, from
firefly100Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 300
-Author Notes: Blahr. This was hard to write and I couldn't quite get it how I'd envisioned it.
What He Sees
His voice makes you tremble - cruel, well-timed words wash over you like scalding water. You trace the lines of his face with impassive eyes, visually smooth the coarse, burnt orange of his shirt over his shoulders. You cannot help but imagine his hands on your body, strong and hot on every inch of skin. You never let yourself stare at dry, frowning lips - he is as beautiful and forbidden to you as you are to him. It kills you to admit how badly you want him.
"I can't take it! I'm sick of it, 'Nara," he says. Another fight - and neither of you can resist an opportunity to hurt the other. You admire his skill at getting through your defenses even more than you hate him for it. "You just work me up 'til I can't think! I'm 'bout to explode an' there you are, so ruttin' calm. Like y'ain't even real - like you're some sorta doll!"
You've been set on fire and inside you are screaming. No one can break you like he can. "I'm done talking, Mal. Please leave my shuttle." It is easy to hide it - but there is only so much you can take; he is pushing you from all sides, tearing down walls it has taken you a decade to build.
He shakes his head and backs up slowly. At the entrance he turns around and strides out, his shoulders high and tense. You watch him leave, loving and hating him and wondering why one man can make you want so many different things all at once. He only sees your unflappable exterior, but he sets a storm to life inside you. You wait until you can't hear his bootsteps before you let yourself crumple to the ground and cry.