Title: 7 Things Author: absolutestarsky Paring: Donghae/ Reader Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Type: One - Shot Words: 1676 Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior Summary: When Hae and you meet two years after breaking up, emotions run wild. What will happen?
“It’s over… I’m sorry Hae. I just can’t do this anymore. “ You said as you headed towards the door and exited your shared apartment, not even looking back at the man you said you once loved.
That was 2 years ago; you’ve grown up since then. Got yourself a great paying job, an amazing apartment in the city and great friends, but there was always something missing, a void that just couldn’t be filled.
Your friends had tried to set you up in blind dates multiple times. There were some good ones but those always ended up being jerks, and then there were some really horrible ones, so you had given up on the idea of finding someone through your friends.
He was always in the back of your mind, you still missed him, you still longed for him, his sense, his touch, his lips, just everything about him. You never admitted to anyone but yourself because you knew no one could replace him, no matter how many blind dates your friends set you up on.
It was another boring Saturday afternoon, you had finish your work, and decided to relax and watch tv. As soon as you turn it on you were shocked with what you saw. You had tried with all your might to avoid tv shows where he would appear but there he was, looking happily at his band mates while they talked about their current tour and how successful it was.
All your feelings came back, sure you missed him but now that you saw him it made it feel all the more real. You still loved him more than anything. You got pissed at yourself and turn the TV off, put your coat on, and decided to go for a walk to clear your head.
“How can this be, it’s been two years, two lonely years. Why can’t I move on.” You said more to yourself than to anyone else. You knew it was unhealthy and that you had to move on but you just couldn’t, you loved him and you were stupid enough to let him go.
He’s vain, insecure, he loved playing games, he made you cry, a jerk, he loved looking and flirting with other girls. Why do you still love him was something beyond you. No matter how many times he hurt you, you still loved him.
It had started to rain, “Just my luck” you thought as you kept walking, not caring if you could catch a cold afterwards.
You kept walking without really seeing where you were going, you just wanted to get away from everything, from these feelings holding you back. You jumped suddenly when you heard a car honk, looking up you realized that you had reached the park near your apartment. You took a sit on one of the swings and as if on cue tears started flooding your eyes and memories of what was once came back.
“ Hae, baby hurry up we are going to be late!” You yelled from the kitchen to your boyfriend who was in still in the room looking in the mirror. You walked upstairs, hoping to speed up the process, only to find him still in his boxers looking in the mirror trying to perfect his hair.
“YA! LEE DONGHAE! What are you doing? We are already late, I don’t want to keep our parents waiting.” you said as you threw him his clothes.
“Ya! Don’t yell at me, don’t you see, my hair has to be perfect! “ Donghae said as he applied more gel.
That was just the beginning of the end. You threw the clothes on the floor and walked up to Hae. You were tired of the same things happening over and over again.
“You’re so vain!, You are worst than a girl, go get dressed now!” you said as you took the gel and threw it against the bathroom door.
Rolling his eyes, Hae took the clothes from the floor and went to get dressed. You sat on the bed to make sure he got dressed this time. Twenty minutes passed and still no Donghae.
“Donghae, does it really take you 20 minutes to put on a tux?!” You said as you leaned against the bathroom door, anger boiling up.
“I’M NOT GOING” Donghae yelled from inside the bathroom.
“Stop playing games Donghae! I hate it when you do this. You’re such a kid. It’s our parents we are talking about here.” You said as you threw a pillow against the door in vain.
“I have to look good before going out you know that, now if you wont give me the time I need then I’m not going anywhere” Donghae yelled through the door just to get his point across.
“ Donghae you’re so insecure in your looks, why are we even having this conversation. You’re gorgeous with or without all the glamour now let’s GO!” you said, hoping he would actually accept the compliment and come out so you guys could go to dinner. That wasn’t the case though, Donghae stayed locked in the bathroom.
“I give up Hae!” You called out as you walked over to the dresser and picked up his phone to call your parents and let them know you guys couldn’t make it to dinner.
As you went to reach for Hae’s phone you saw he had a new text, you unlocked the phone and there it was, staring you in the face. A girl named Jessica, had sent him a picture of her in a bikini “Oppa, how do I look?” read the message. You took the phone and threw it at the bathroom door.
“What was that for?” Donghae said finally coming out of the bathroom.
“You’re a jerk! No, No YOU’RE AN ASS!, Who is that Jessica chick and why is she sending you pictures of her in a bikini” You said from the other side of the room, hands on your hips, cheeks red from how angry you were.
He didn’t respond, he didn’t have anything to say. But you sure did.
“Really Hae, you’ve stooped this low. How long have you been going behind my back? “ you said, tears already coming out.
“I…. I don’t know what you’re talking about” was all he could say not even looking at you.
“It’s over… I’m sorry Hae. I just can’t do this anymore.” was all you said as you walked out on him that night.
The memories sting as If it was yesterday, tears were streaming down your eyes as you recalled the last day you spent together. Lucky for you it was raining and no one could see your tears. You got up from the swing and decided to head back home before the storm got worst.
You heard someone clear his throat from behind you, but decided to ignore it and keep walking.
“I’ve been coming here for the past two years hoping I would see you” you heard him say from behind you.
“I’m sorry” you said as you turned around to face the person.
There he stood, clothes all wet, looking at the ground. “I’ve been coming here for the past two years hoping I would see you” he repeated.
You couldn’t believe your eyes, there he was, so close yet so far away. “Donghae?” you called out before moving towards him.
“I know how much you love parks, so for two years I’ve been coming here hoping I could catch a glimpse of you.” Donghae said as he tugged his coat closer to him.
“I never said how sorry I was to you….” before he could finish talking you flung your arms around his neck and the tears started coming back.
“I’m sorry, I truly am. You don’t know how much I’ve hurt for all this time. I honestly thought I would die after you left, I didn’t think I could go on. After you left me that night I realized I had lost my greatest possession. I know it’s been two years but I haven’t stopped thinking about you” Donghae said as he brushed your bangs out of your eyes.
“I…. I’ve missed you so much, Hae. You have no idea” you said between sobs.
No matter how many times he was a jerk, or how much he made you cried, you loved being in his arms, you missed his smell, the way his bangs feel over his eyes, the way his eyes captured your heart, the way his jeans accentuated his body, you loved everything about him.
“Promise me something” Hae said and he lifted your chin. He intertwined your hand with his and he pulled you closer. “ Now that I’ve found you, don’t ever leave me again.” He said closing the gap between the two of you with a kiss.
After kissing for what seemed an eternity, you both pulled back to let air in your lungs. You took his hand in yours and took one look into his big black orbs before regaining your composure.
“Hae, it’s been two years, two very lonely years and I don’t know if this will work again, but I am willing to give it one more chance because I love you and I want to be with you” you said smiling at him.
“I understand and I promise you I am changed man and I wont take this opportunity for granted. I don’t want to lose you again. Not now, not ever” Donghae said as he cup your face in his hands, kissing you once more.
You didn’t know where this road would take you know, but you were willing to give it one more chance for the both of you, just hoping that the seven things you hated about him before would be changed for the seven things you couldn’t live without. You said as you headed towards the door and exited your shared apartment, not even looking back at the man you said you once loved.