Mar 24, 2003 01:08

it's late, or early depending on how u look at it. i'm just bored and curious about the HTML...

1playing with HTML 2playing with HTML 3playing with HTML

4playing with HTML 5playing with HTML 6playing with HTML 7playing with HTML 8playing with HTML
9playing with HTML 10playing with HTML 11playing with HTML 12playing with HTML 13playing with HTML ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

inkwarrior1776 May 4 2003, 21:41:07 UTC
I'm the HTML master. :)



absolutasher May 5 2003, 13:26:37 UTC
o yeah? u'll have to teach it to me. i friended u and id love to chat online sometime...

AIM sn: AsherNDunn


Re: inkwarrior1776 May 6 2003, 04:32:47 UTC screenname is iEatShardsOfGod. I don't really put entries in LiveJournal anymore, but I use it to talk to people. :)



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