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Comments 7

lassarina January 16 2007, 05:41:00 UTC
Not friends-locked, love, or at least LJ doesn't say so ;)

Mmm, Cap'n Jack.


a_leprechaun January 16 2007, 05:44:24 UTC
Thanks for the heads-up. LJ's new update page still confuzzes me sometimes.

Mostly the lock comes from me feeling weird about posting this stuff where John can see it. XD I don't know whether it's silly or rational to think that way.


rocknlobster January 16 2007, 06:06:48 UTC
Ok, this one could possibly be a little weird (if you know why, you know why)...
*DIES* Ahahaha. I understand, though. A few versions of myself almost made it to my list, after all. XD If I had more spaces, I probably would have included the rest of the Riddick cast, HAH. XD

Ian Malcolm!!!!! Crap, I forgot him. I didn't have a picture, and didn't think to look him up on imdb. Well, I included him in the first iteration (harhar) of that meme that I did. So...yeah. I tried not to overlap those two lists too much. >D (Eomer was an exception...>.>)

OMG Jack Sparrow. Why did I not put him on mine? o___O Clearly, I lose. Because not only would I do him, I'd become his devoted floozy. (Well, devoted in that I would only follow him around and smex him up when he wanted me to. No need to scare off the poor man. XD)

I love a bumbler, and I always appreciate more the character who has to prove their competence rather than the “I-am-always-badass” man.See, I sooooo go for, like...well from my version you can see that I go for the cold-on-the- ( ... )


a_leprechaun January 16 2007, 07:01:01 UTC
Hee! See, I can't help starin' at the clumsy guys. They're just so darn cute. With the badass dudes I tend to go more "Yes, yes, you have muscles. Very nice." XD

And that's the only good picture I could find of Ian Malcolm. Woe. It is a very good picture though, isn't it? ^____^


rocknlobster January 16 2007, 09:21:26 UTC
It is made of love and win. *saves to file*

*omg I have an icon of his freaking girlfriend squee-ing. WIN.*


ladybeth January 16 2007, 06:23:13 UTC
Well,I have to admit, I agree with a portion of your list. Especially Jonathon. I've always loved him, especially how he ends up moving the plot along by doing something stupid..like playing golf in a tomb.

I'm going to have to do this meme...only without the pictures as I'm not very picture friendly (tend to mess up things for some reason).


leighaden January 16 2007, 08:24:22 UTC
With regards to 4: yes, yes I would. And Wash, and Gaius, and Jerry Divine, and Ian Malcolm.


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