Storms in Seattle? No way!

May 18, 2007 11:21

I am still not sure how I feel about the Grey's finale.  There was certainly a lot of drama.

I loved the beginning with Mere and Christina and the horrific headress of TP and Christina confirming with Meredith "so my wedding is all about you?"  Honestly, the best moments for me were Christina and Meredith together.  I do like that friendship.  ( Read more... )

grey's anatomy, veronica mars, tv

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Comments 10

earth2mars May 18 2007, 16:15:06 UTC
Ah, GA. Another show that doesn't tax my brain. I found Meredith & Derek irritating, but like you, I find Cristina & Meredith awesome together. Kate Walsh was beautiful and funny, as always. I, too, am concerned about whether or not IW & TRK will return. I love these characters, even if IW is an ass in real life ( ... )


a_h_c May 18 2007, 16:30:52 UTC
I agree -- the speech was lame. I got that it was about Derek, but it was still awful. And why on earth would you pin your hopes for your relationship on the success of your friend and her relationship? It's not like Christina and Burke were the model of happiness and functionality.

I have no idea why Bailey didn't get it. The Chief had already lamented that he couldn't give her Chief of surgery because she wasn't ready, so why on earth he didn't give her this, I don't know. Callie is a fine candidate, but she was only put up as a rival for Bailey one episode ago. As for the baby, I think it's a bit of both -- she wants one and it's a way to cement her hold on George.

Yes, I was holding out hope too. I try not to, to avoid having my heart crushed, but it still happens all the time. And yes, I know something new will come along, but how long will it take? *sigh*


Oh my God!! magicjunkie May 18 2007, 20:02:35 UTC
I just... wow...
You know I haven't seen the episode yet cause I have to download it first, but you also know that I'm a whore for spoilers so yeah... I read your post and just.. wow...
Derek really went for the younger sister?? and Burke really left Christina at the altar? and Goerge failed?

And about VM. I understand -for what you say here- that is over, right? No FBI? No more College?
It's sad, really... but I saw it coming for a while now. I have said it before... I'm sad for the show that I used to love, but I will definitely not miss this new Veronica we saw last season... now all we can do is pray for RT to get his head out of his ass for the last few episodes and gives us a good finale, with some LoVe for the masses.


Re: Oh my God!! a_h_c May 19 2007, 00:02:08 UTC
Derek hasn't gone for the sister yet, but she is a new intern at the hospital for next year, so they are certainly making her available. As for the other things -- yes.

And yes, it appears that VM is totally and completely dead. I have very low hopes for the finale because they didn't know for sure it would be the end and things have gone so badly, I just can't imagine it turning around so quickly. Very, very sad if we don't get a good ending to what used to be a good show.


mastermia May 21 2007, 22:29:54 UTC
I did like the friendship stuff between Mere and Christina (and loved her "pep" talk). But I am done with Derek. Even his amazingly perfect hair cannot save him this time. He enjoyed telling her about the flirting and it was a real dickish thing to do. Talk to the hand because you are dead to me. And I hope that Alex actually has a relationship next season. Maybe even with Iz, since she is still comfortable enough with him to loan him deodorant, which seemed weird (the exchange, not the loaning, because why not).

As for VM, I will miss Cliff. I will miss Dick, strangely enough. I will miss Mac. I will miss Weevil. But the rest, I am not sure I will miss. So sad, so much promise and now it's all just gone.


a_h_c May 22 2007, 12:17:21 UTC
Yes, I have no use for Derek at this point. Not taking the Chief job was his high point of the episode, but as for the rest? I am so wishing Mere had listened to me and picked Finn the Vet last year. Augh! And yes, Alex needs to have something good. I didn't really care for Ava, but Izzy would be fine. I can still laugh at that scene of them having sex in the supply closet where she tells him to "literally take off your pants!"

Re: VM -- the end is tonight and I am just sad at the thought of the mediocre ending that I am expecting. I agree with you about missing the secondary characters, but I also will miss V&L -- the non-Season 3 versions. Why did it implode so quickly? It took Buffy longer than this, but I guess those college years will kill you.


mastermia May 28 2007, 01:30:28 UTC
She should have picked McVet. Remember how he had plans? And brought Iz food? I liked McVet. And Derek has turned out to be a rat fink. I didn't really care about Ava either, I only liked her interactions with Alex, but not because I thought they had any chemistry but because it showed a more vulnerable side of Alex. Oh, my god, I loved the literally take off your pants comment. Ah, good days. Where did you go?

I finally saw VM and there was no Cliff! How could they not bring him back for even one little scene?


a_h_c May 28 2007, 01:41:59 UTC
I have no idea where those days went. I miss Chris O'Donnell. And I am almost hoping that George is not coming back next year just to make the Izzy/George thing GO AWAY!! (for the love of God!) And I do agree with Lauren S. (I think) who asked the question of whether it took 3 seasons to do one year of an internship. I for some reason (probably due to ER somehow) thought that they were longer than 1 year, but if it is only one year, then the I agree with her that the idea that Izzy got over Denny that fast just makes it all even more upsetting.

As for VM -- I know. Cliff's last appearance was, what, the 3rd to last episode? But it was good -- he essentially told Keith he would not vote for him for Sheriff, yes? Couldn't he at least have been Weevil's lawyer, or something?


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