harry potter and the sneaky hate spiral

Jul 16, 2011 19:34

First up, as a general disclaimer, I've been feeling incredibly mood-swingy these last couple days for some reason -- like, I'll be fine one minute and one innocuous comment later I'll be ready to BURN UTICA TO THE GROUND -- so if I've been snippy with you lately that is probably part of it. It started yesterday with a Sneaky Hate Spiral kind of ( Read more... )

life the universe and everything, harry potter

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Comments 53

christycorr July 16 2011, 23:41:15 UTC
Wtf was up with Harry and Voldemort's duel, uuuugh.

I'm not that sad because for me Harry Potter "ended" on July 21, 2007, but I will miss new movies coming out, ngl.

This. Very much this.


_thirty2flavors July 16 2011, 23:45:49 UTC
LOL SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK? THE BOOK VERSION WOULD BE SO EASY TO TRANSLATE AND MAKE EPIC and instead we got them flying around clawing at each other's faces idek

lol it's like that time Harry and a dragon had a random chase scene in GOF


fauxkaren July 16 2011, 23:53:23 UTC
lol it's like that time Harry and a dragon had a random chase scene in GOF



_thirty2flavors July 17 2011, 00:02:52 UTC
lol I have so much fondness in my heart for GOF because it is just so bad, but it is the fist one of the movies I really loved, because it was the first movie I saw after getting over myself enough to accept that they weren't going to match my mental images 100% and that they weren't really the books and so on.

Similarly, POA is my least favourite because it is my favourite book and I wanted to see The Book On Screen and did not really get that. Which is why I got over it by GOF and went in with low expectations and came out delighted by the whole nonsensical hot mess.


fauxkaren July 16 2011, 23:52:13 UTC
Overall I liked it. There are some changes that I don't understand, but generally I understood the changes that they made.

I think the best bits was everything in Gringotts, the Ron/Hermione kiss (LOL HOPELESS SHIPPER), the Prince's Tale (I'm not a Snape stan, but I don't hate him as much as you do. Probably because I hate Jame and Sirius a lot too, so I guess I get where Snape is coming from on that point. LOL), and Neville's general existence.

I know that Percy's big moment was cut because that whole subplot was nixed from the mvies, but waaaah. Percy's return and then him being with Fred at his death is some of my favorite parts of DH.


_thirty2flavors July 16 2011, 23:59:36 UTC
I don't hate Snape, I find Snape a relatively interesting character (though I did think he became less interesting after the reveal that he was in love with Lily and not motivated by any more... altruistic reasons). But I haaaaate the way fandom responds to Snape as this poor misunderstood woobie who was damaged 4ever because that slut Lily chose the wrong man how dare she!! etc. SORRY SNAPE, MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU CAN TRY A) NOT CALLING HER A SLUR OR B) JOINING A CULT DEDICATED TO GENOCIDING PEOPLE LIKE HER. JUST A TIP. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. So seeing it romanticized and all the problematic aspects removed in the movie was gross to me because it literally did just become "poor woobie Snape". Movie, you missed the part where she broke up with him for BEING A HUGE RACIST.

LOL I did notice Percy and lol a bit because Percy has been such a background player in the movies it was hilarious to see him yet again lurking moar in the final scenes.


fauxkaren July 17 2011, 00:04:29 UTC

Anyway, I think that book!Snape and movie!Snape are rather different characters. I think cleolinda had a good take on it in her DH2 review ( ... )


_thirty2flavors July 17 2011, 00:11:55 UTC
lol, that makes sense I guess -- tbh I don't pay enough attention to the movies to be really followngMovie Snape's character development, if that makes sense. Like... that would require putting more thought into the movies and knowing them better than I actually do, and I'm not very interested in the Harry Potter Movies on their own as anything other than a nice visual aide to the books sometimes. It supports by theory that Movie Snape is not Book Snape, despite fandom's constant assertion that Alan Rickman is the best casting choice, though. I mean, movie Snape is okay, but he's really not book Snape.


snowfire July 16 2011, 23:52:40 UTC
THE PRINCE'S TALE LOLOL MOVIE, YOU KEEP ON PRETENDING SNAPE'S LOVE FOR LILY WASN'T CREEPY AS FUCK. I c u, trying to make him a tragic lost prince~ and less of a racist who can't drive. Movie Snape is just some dude who had unrequited love for his childhood friend and was basically a grade-A dude all the time (except for those times he inexplicably bullied innocent children)! Book Snape was way more fucked up than that and I disapprove of this encouragement of Snape/Lily as True and Beautiful and not fucked up and possessive like it actually was. James/Lily 5 lyfe, etc.

NO SHIT. I find it gross and disturbing that they didn't include how fucked up Snape's love was, and how he was, you know, a racist asshole. The second time I saw the movie, a couple girls were talking about how romantic and tragic it was and poor poor Snape and how mean Lily just have been not to love him, and - no. No. Just. No. WHATEVER I WILL LOVE JAMES/LILY FOREVER.


_thirty2flavors July 16 2011, 23:56:00 UTC

I have no problem with Princes' Tale as it exists in the books, but I have a problem with how so much of fandom perceives it is Sad and Tragic and True and so seeing that be the translation in the movies was not something I approve of.

ALSO LOL HARRY WAS SO DISINTERESTED IN GHOSTJAMES IN THE FOREST AGAIN. Maybe Harry didn't want to face his impending male pattern baldness.


sherrilina July 17 2011, 00:03:26 UTC
ALSO LOL HARRY WAS SO DISINTERESTED IN GHOSTJAMES IN THE FOREST AGAIN. Maybe Harry didn't want to face his impending male pattern baldness.

LMAO, James looked so nerdy there in his glasses...did James even wear glasses?

I was disappointed he didn't show more emotion towards Sirius, given how that all went down...


_thirty2flavors July 17 2011, 00:06:50 UTC
I am pretty sure James wore glasses. But it makes me lol forever that James and Lily have apparently aged after death, because despite dying 20 years earlier in the narrative they are teh same age as Sirius, Snape, etc.

Yeah, the Forest Again was underwhelming for me.


bazcat89 July 17 2011, 00:06:04 UTC
I find it amusing that we've been sneaky hate spiraling simultaneously.

Except you haven't felt the need to post like, sixteen consecutive bitchy entries.


_thirty2flavors July 17 2011, 00:08:50 UTC



bazcat89 July 18 2011, 02:05:57 UTC

i recommend a passive aggressive one about the hp fandom

... )


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Re: James/Lily 5 lyfe LOL _thirty2flavors July 17 2011, 03:46:45 UTC
Yeah, I've enjoyed the movies, but they're just not as emotional or nostalgic for me as the books, so while I'm sad to see them go I'm not THAT sad. I was very very sad when DH came out though, I remember getting misty-eyed over the dedication alone.

LOL RIGHT? It was so bizarre to have Harry and Voldemort finish up outside, wtff.

I liked this one too, despite some things being not as good as they could have ben The movies will never be my favourites and they never came close to the books, but they were still fun for me.


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