a dinosaur movie and a poll

Mar 13, 2011 21:45

I. On Friday I hung out with my friend. We decided to rent Back to the Future because I have somehow gone 21 years without ever seeing that film. AND THEN... the video store didn't have it. Wtf? This is actually like the third time this has happened to me. Anyway, then we tried to rent Jurassic Park, but they didn't have the first one. And then we ( Read more... )

ask the audience, this day is bananas, youtube is a magical place

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Comments 64

bazcat89 March 14 2011, 02:00:46 UTC
I wish that poll had ticky boxes because I'd totally feel a combo of the first and second boxes.

I could watch the Land Before Time montage over and over and over and NEVER get sick of it.


bazcat89 March 14 2011, 02:03:14 UTC
(did they explain how he got fused with the tree?)
(and i wish i had a troy mclure icon to use for this entry)


_thirty2flavors March 14 2011, 02:10:34 UTC
They did not really explain it tbh but they said in the first time travel ship thing people wound up fused to bulkheads. I guess they never fixed that glitch but weren't even bovvered.


bazcat89 March 14 2011, 02:17:59 UTC
OIC. I would laugh at the plothole, but that would be like mocking a puppy who did not understand the concept of "fetch." And also. The life force paradox thing.


rose_dawson March 14 2011, 02:08:04 UTC
rn is the first time my fictional ship might be banging irl and tbh I don't know what I feel about it

... )


bazcat89 March 14 2011, 02:10:33 UTC
quel ship?

BUT I draw the line at rpf, it always makes me super uncomfortable.
yah srsly. it feels invasive and stalkery.


rose_dawson March 14 2011, 02:17:17 UTC
Ian Somerhalder + Nina Dobreva

I can understand why people like rpf and I am not sitting on a cloud of judgment with them, because I think most of the time actors or whoever can become like characters/objects to people, and the actor in the rpf isn't the "real" actor, but I've always felt weird and dumb reading rpf, I can never get into it.


bazcat89 March 14 2011, 02:20:17 UTC
LET ME GUESS. They play Damon and Elena, right?

Oh I'm not saying that rpf is inherently invasive and stalkery, I'm just saying that I've felt invasive and stalkery the few times I've stumbled across it.


rattus_aerius March 14 2011, 02:21:02 UTC
Well I was going to post

OMG are David Tennant's clone and Billie Piper dating???!!!

but someone might think I'm serious so I better not.


_thirty2flavors March 14 2011, 02:26:08 UTC

There was a blind item on ONTD a few months ago that implied Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are totally doin' it but I do not know or particularly care if that is actually the case.


papilio_luna March 14 2011, 02:21:21 UTC
DNW RPF is my basic general stance.

And really, all the ships where I feel the characters have the most amazing chemistry always turn out to be actors who have no romantic inclinations towards one another whatsoever. On-screen chemistry is weird that way. I mean, Anna Paquin and Whatshisface Vampire Bill are a rl item and I think their chemistry on screen is totally weird.


_thirty2flavors March 14 2011, 02:28:07 UTC
Yeah I don't watch True Blood but I have heard bad things about their chemistry. Also Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are supposedly dating? But they have like, negative on-screen chemistry so I don't know what happened there. I find it interesting how some people root for it by default when they ship the characters though, because I'm sort of the opposite.


goldy_dollar March 14 2011, 02:48:53 UTC
I mean, Anna Paquin and Whatshisface Vampire Bill are a rl item and I think their chemistry on screen is totally weird.

Yes, but their storyline is also terribly written in every possible way, which cannot help things.


goldy_dollar March 14 2011, 02:53:25 UTC

I am not really sure how I would react but "a little bit horrified" is probably the closest. WHAT IF THEY BREAK UP AND IT KILLS MY SHIP. :O Also it'd be weird to like... watch them having sex on screen since it would feel like a private moment.

Actually I am not sure how I feel about any on-set hanky-panky. I was even a little weirded out that Dexter was married to his sister and sort of wish no one had told me.


_thirty2flavors March 14 2011, 03:10:06 UTC
Yeah I think I would mostly feel awkward about it. It's never happened I don't think so I can't really say for sure but it's definitely not something I'm rooting for.

LOL and now they're divorced too, awkwardd.


goldy_dollar March 14 2011, 03:15:26 UTC
MATT SMITH/BILLIE PIPER :O lol I always forget that happened.

For a while weren't there rumours that Dan Rad and Emma Watson were dating? I was not sure how I felt about that.

LOL and now they're divorced too, awkwardd.

omg right, stop messing with the chemistry in the show I do not want.


_thirty2flavors March 14 2011, 03:16:46 UTC
YES HOW COULD I FORGET MY OTP!!! But I don't ship Eleven/Rose so it doesn't really count.

I never kept up with the HP kid cast rumours. I think they've denied it but IDK. I know she's admitted that she had a huge crush on Tom Felton lol.


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