
Jan 28, 2007 21:51

The door from the bar opens into Chase and Kim's living room. It would be tidy except for the toys on the floor and the papers all over the coffee table, the former of which Chase is going to have to scold Angie for later. Not now, of course, since it's around eleven at night in out-of-Milliways time ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

_mother_dearest January 29 2007, 03:00:37 UTC
Lyrae nodded, glancing around at the room. It was rather... dirty, really. None of the clean white cueran that would be found in a Second Age home. Lyrae, nonetheless, suppressed the frown. She did not reply to Chase, and merely waited for him.


_righthandman_ January 29 2007, 03:06:27 UTC
He returns momentarily, having explained to Kim that he's going out for a bit.

"Ready?" He jingles the keys absently, not at all self-conscious about the state of the living room. It's just a couple of Barbies and some junk mail, as far as he's concerned.


_mother_dearest January 29 2007, 03:08:27 UTC
Lyrae nodded calmly. She was not sure where she was going, but she could take care of herself, and it was good to simply be out.

"I am."


_righthandman_ January 29 2007, 03:12:26 UTC
Oh, Chase doesn't have any actual plans. Bars are out of the question, as they've just come from one and none of the bars in the area are anywhere near as good as Milliways anyhow.

He gets into the truck and opens Lyrae's door for her, getting the beginnings of an idea both stupid and awesome at the same time.


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