Title: Overdream
Chapter: part 3 chapter 1
Rating: PG (may get to R for themes)
Summary: There is a fine line between dreaming and reality. It is easily crossed.
Disclaimer: its all an illusion…it never ever happened…
Comments are good…very good:D
Part 1- My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon
1. Pros and Cons of Breathing2. Stockholm Syndrome3. Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying Part 2: Carousel
1. Tainted Love2. Killing Loneliness 3. Blended Memories, Forgotten Pasts Part 3: Dream-catcher
-He was part of my dream, of course,
But then I was part of his dream too-
1. Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right, But Three Do.
-I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive,
Now I only wasting it dreaming of you-
I can’t do this any longer. Seeing Ville there, fighting for his life made me realise what I was doing to that poor man. I can’t do this anymore; it’s been so very wrong ever since the first time I fucked things up. That damn night a couple of months ago was the beginning of the end. I’m well known for screwing things around but I really out did myself this time. I gotta leave him be and move on, find someone else then maybe once we’ve both sorted ourselves out and completely erased the past couple of months from our memories, we can go back to being friends again. But before then I think I’m going to have to just keep away from him, for both of our sakes.
Waking up each morning in his arms was a dream come true. The scars on my wrist have faded and what now stood out in my arm was not the memories of my mistakes but recognition of my successes. There in my arm stained in dark ink was a name that meant so very much to me. I looked over to the bearer of that name and knowing my name also stained into his arm made me smile. He had saved my life and that meant the world to me. I was determined to pay it back to him, a single kiss at a time.
If only I’d realised it sooner. If only I hadn’t been so worried with shallow issues I could have realised how perfect we could be before it was too late. He thinks he’s to blame for all of this, he thinks me trying to kill myself was over him. Well it was but it wasn’t him who sat there and made me do it, it was my own screwed up view on this situation. His was the first wrong, getting me to sleep with him, but you’re always told two wrongs don’t make a right. The second wrong was mine and the reason everything things so fucked up right now can be traced right back to me. I’ve lost a best friend, and I lost the man I love before I even realised what I was losing, before I realised what that single person meant to me.
Now he’s got some chick I don’t even know the name of who is probably fulfilling every single thing he wants and needs more than I ever could. Their probably perfectly happy and I should be happy for them. But I’m not. I’m not going to lie I fucking hate whoever the hell she is! I want Bam to be mine and no one else’s. I always was rather selfish…
I didn’t recognise the girl when she walked through my door. She started speaking to me and I wasn’t listening to what she was saying. She’d been speaking for a while and she still wasn’t ringing any bells. I interrupt whatever spiel the poor girl had started into.
“Um…one little question. Who the hell are you?”
“I really am no closer to knowing who the fuck you are?”
“Bam’s girlfriend…”
“Oh sorry” ok then, the women I hate nearly as much as myself is standing in my room. This is all so very, very normal…
“Well do you want to explain to me what exactly you are doing here?” I nearly added ‘cause if you’re here to rub anything in you can go get fucked’ but somehow she seemed too innocent for such a thing to ever cross her mind. Makes me wonder how the hell she could ever handle Bam…
“Well I was trying to explain that to you but you interrupted me”
“Oh sorry, care to repeat yourself then sweetheart?” arh, just called my arch-enemy sweetheart. Note to self, don’t do that again.
“It’s about Bam”
“It’s what about Bam?” maybe she wasn’t that innocent after all…
“I know you still care about him”
“Course I do, what are you playing at?”
“Well then I spose you’d be willing to help him”
“What does he want me to do?” and why couldn’t he ask me himself? The thought floated through my head. I’ll here the stupid little girl out first.
“He doesn’t know anything about this. It’s me that needs you to do something for him”
“Oh, alrighty then, shoot”
“Take him back”
“Come again darling?” Darling? What the fuck? Almost as bad as sweetheart!
“Get back together with him, I don’t care how you do it, just do it!”
”This would be a strange statement coming from any normal person, but coming from Bam’s girlfriend this is just fucked up!”
“He needs you, he’s been completely lost without you no matter how much he denies it. He’s so screwed up at the moment and I think you’re the only one who can save him before he too far gone”
I nodded slowly comprehending the situation and trying to work out how the hell it was gunna work.
“Alrighty then”