Title: “Untitled” (that’s seriously the title)
Pairing: Vam BAM’S POV
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Warnings: Drugs
Summary: Ville never loved him.
This ones sad, kids.
There’s my Ville, lying in on the wooden floor of a mostly empty, old gothic-style, Finnish hotel. The neon sign flashing outside tells me so, “Helsinki Hotel”. Half of the letters are out, but there’s enough to keep lighting up the room for a few seconds, before it darkens again. Ville doesn’t move.
I stand in the doorway, staring at him. He knows I’m here, even though I haven’t said a word. He knows I’m here. I know that because I know Ville. And I also know why he’s in the state he’s in. He shot up again today.
There’s a red coffee mug on the ground, shattered. What was once filled with a deep brown liquid, is now a splintered mess, glued to the ground by gluey, dried coffee. Ville’s depressed.
Very much so. He’s supposed to be on tour with his band. Instead, he’s lying on a floor, staring out a big window, at the streets of his hometown. Something just told me to come here. Sad thing is, is that I came here to do what I never thought I’d do. Ville’s beautiful.
I quietly sigh, as I keep watching the love of my life waste away on a hotel floor. Ville Valo is gorgeous, dark, angelic, fragile, anorexic, and pale. He’s all I ever asked for, but all I can never have. I had him for a while. That crashed like a plane when I found out how he felt. I’m not as good as heroin. Ville’s eyes are a sickening emerald bloodshot.
When I had him, he seemed happy. I, for one half of the relationship, was thrilled to death. He was my heroin. He lit up the room with that gorgeous smile. Ville was always my little perfect rockstar, causing a bit of trouble, breaking hearts and drinking. Ville broke my heart, I never thought he would.
Ville cried yesterday. He cried yesterday because he broke my heart. Why he cried, I think I understand. He wants to hang on, but he let go, his brain can’t think straight when he’s crying. Ville broke his nose the first time I took him to New York.
Ville still doesn’t move. He’s numb.
I clear my throat, and just as I suspected, he doesn’t even blink. He knows I’m here. I’ve got to do what I came here to do, no matter how much of it I lose. He’s never wanted what we had, so it won’t affect him at all.
I’ve broken this whole one-sided conversation down to a single sentence. “I’m not heroin, Ville.”
I step out of the room, and pull the door almost shut.
When it closes, I never look back.
I walk away from the best…no, the worst thing I’ve ever had, and carry myself outside. Ryan is waiting, just like he said he would, and we get into my car, not exchanging one word. The key slides into the ignition, and one thought crosses my mind.
Ville shot up again today.
That was a three-sixty from my latest Blue’s Clues fic. But I felt like writing something like that. It doesn’t make much sense. And it’s short as hell. But it’s something, right?