Snowed In

Dec 27, 2009 12:50

Title: Snowed In
Author: Mikkosgrl
Pairing: VAM
Rating: PG
Summary: Ville and Bam are snowed in...
Disclaimer: This is so fluffy it's ridiculous, and it's mushier than mashed potatoes.
Authors Notes: Epicallyfails said romance was her thing, so here ya go honey! Sorry it's so romantic I almost threw up writing it lol :)
Written For: Epicallyfails for the Vamidays fic swap

“No! Put those lights up over there!”

“No...wait...over there!”

“Shut up! Wait...”

“Fuck! Ow...”

It was nearly Christmas, and everyone’s favorite jackasses were attempting to set up for the holiday.  The Margera’s had been kind enough to rent out a cabin in upper Pennsylvania for the week (after last year’s utter destruction of the house), and everyone was invited to come, including the members of Bam’s favorite band, HIM.  The cabin was enormous, with enough room for everyone and more, but it was getting cramped with decorations.  Bam and his friends never seemed to have enough - over-the-top was their favorite way to do everything.

“Dunn, come over here and help me, goddammit!”

“Well just wait a min-”

“Everyone just shut up!”

The group of young men immediately stopped in their tracks and stared, like deer in headlights, at the shouting woman in front of them.  April didn’t put her foot down often, but when she did, people listened.

“Look guys,” she began, “I know we’re all excited to be here and everything, but I just heard on the news that there’s a huge storm coming.  If we stay here, we might not be able to leave for at least two weeks, and we all have to get back to work after Christmas.”

“Ape, what are you saying?”

She looked at her wide-eyed son.  “Honey, I’m sorry, but we have to leave and go home for Christmas.  We just can’t stay here.”

The group looked around at one another, shock and disappointment all over their faces.  Slowly, Johnny got up and started taking down his strand of lights.  The rest followed suit, starting to grumble about the “stupid snow” and “fucking winter”.  Everyone helped - everyone except Bam.

“Ape, what the hell!” he yelled, following his mom out of the room.  “We rented this place out, I know it’ll be fine by the time we’re supposed to leave!”

“Bam, I know you want to stay, but the news said it will be snowing up to four feet tonight and then more tomorrow.  The plows won’t be able to come through, so people won’t be going anywhere for a while.  We have to leave before too long and get back to the Castle.”

“Well I’m not going.”

“Bam, please don’t be unreasonab-”

“I said I’m not going!” he shouted, rare anger flaring at his mother.  He wanted this Christmas to be special, not the same shit that they do every year.  He’s been looking forward to this for weeks, months even.

“Ok Bam, you’ll be spending Christmas by yourself then.”  April knew when to argue and when to let Bam decide for himself that he was being an ass.

“No I won’t,” he thought quickly. “Ville will stay with me!”

“Bam, don’t drag that poor man into this crazyness.  It’s not fair to do that.”

“Ape, he’s not a five-year-old.  He can make up his own mind.  But I bet you he thinks leaving is a dumb idea, too.”  At that, Bam ran off to find Ville to prove to his mother that she was just overreacting.  Seriously, snow?  How bad could it be?

Finding Ville in his room with Mige, the two in some deep Finnish conversation, Bam bounded up to the two men.

“Uh, hi Bam.”

“Hey guys! Hey guys!  So Ape says it’s gonna snow so we have to leave, but I don’t think we do, so I’m staying.  You guys will stay with me right?”  He looked at them with bright eyes and a huge smile.  They stared back with confused looks.

“Umm, Bammie, please slow down.  What’s going on?” asked Ville.

Bam explained the situation again, this time taking breaths and pausing between thoughts.

“Well, Bam, I think your mom is right,” said Mige.  “Moms are usually right about this kind of stuff, so, ummm...maybe we should start packing up.”

“Come on man! You’re wussing out on me?  What do you think Ville?”

“I think you’re an idiot.”

“I can’t believe you guys!  Fuck!”

“Bam, I said I think you’re an idiot.  I didn’t say I wouldn’t stay here with you.”

Bam shot him a beaming smile.  “Really?”

“Sure.  I don’t have to be doing anything for, like, a month, so we should be good to go.  Plus, maybe I can write some cuz I’ll be stuck here alone.  That is, if you don’t bug the crap out of me.”

Bam’s smile got even bigger, if such a thing was possible, and he leapt toward the Finn and tackled him, hugging him like his favorite teddy bear.  “Yay! My Willa wants to stay with me! That’ll show Ape!”


“Oh, sorry! Do you need your inhaler?”

Ville nodded vigorously, his breath coming in shallow wheezes.

“Ok, you are going to stay with Bam and he almost kills you in the first five seconds.  Smart, Ville, really smart,” Mige smirked, thinking of the conversation they had been having right before Bam walked in.

*Five minutes ago*

“Mige, I just don’t know anymore.”

“Why don’t you just tell him?  I mean, seriously, he looks at you all the time. And with all the kissing and touching-”

“That’s only when we’re drunk, you know that.”

“No, that’s when you see it.  Me and the rest of the guys, even Gas, can see it other times.  You should just tell him.”

“I can’t Mige.  He’s not gay.  All his friends would laugh their asses off and I’d be the joke forever. I can’t deal with that.”

“You need to tell him when you guys are alone, and sober.  Then he’ll know you’re serious and not fucking around.  I don’t think he’d tell anyone if you didn’t want him to.”

“Easier said than done, my friend, easier said than done.  When are we ever alone and sober?  Face it, it won’t happen.  Fuck.” Ville put his face in his hands in exasperation.

“Ville, you’re going to regret not telling him, you know you will.”

“Well, ok, I’ll try, alright?”

“Ok, but just - fuck! Uh, hi Bam.”

Ville flipped Mige off as his breathing slowly returned to normal.

“Fuck, Vil, I’m sorry man, are you ok?” Bam asked, concerned.

“Fine, Bammie, I’m fine.  Hey, can you, uh, run and grab me some water?”

“Of course! Be right back!” He bounced out of the room, leaving the two alone again.

Ville started in rapid Finnish, trying to finish the conversation before Bam returned.

“Alright, but just what, Mizzie?”

“I was just going to tell you to be careful.  If he does like you that way too, take it slow ok?  You don’t want to freak him out or anything.”

Ville rolled his eyes. “Duh, moron.  I’m not a high school girl.  But thanks,” he smiled and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “Mige, thank you.  You’re a great friend.  I’ll try to phone you if anything, you know, happens,” he grinned.

Now it was Mige’s turn to roll his eyes.  “Don’t even tell me, I don’t want to know!” he laughed.  “So, you’re really going to do it?  Tell him?”

Ville sighed.  “Well, I guess I kind of should.”  He shrugged.  “What’s the worst that could happen?  He tells me I’m a freak and I lose my best friend.  But knowing Bam, I don’t think he’d be that way.”

“Now, that’s the spirit!”

The two men hugged and laughed together.  Bam soon returned with Ville’s requested water.

“Ooooooo what’s goin’ on in here?” he teased, looking at the embracing men.

“Nothing you wouldn’t want to be a part of,” Mige smiled and began to pack his things. When he was finished, on his way out the door he called back to Ville in Finnish, “Hey Vil!  Don’t forget to lube up REALLY well, ok?” He gave an exaggerated wink and dashed out the door before the pillow Ville threw could hit him.

“What’d he say?” asked Bam.

“He - uh - said he hopes we don’t starve cuz he knows neither of us can cook worth a shit.”

“Oh. Well, you wanna go laugh at everyone while they leave and we get to stay in this awesome place all by ourselves?”

“Sure, Bam.”


It had been two days since the rest of the group had left the oversized cabin.  Two days and six feet of snow.  Bam and Ville still hadn’t seen a plow try to come by, and all the white outside was beginning to get unnerving.

“Seriously, Vil, I can’t see the trees!  The world is ending or something! Oh my God!” Bam flailed his arms, rolling around on the floor and whining.  “I just wanna skate so bad!”

“So....skate,” Ville said, barely glancing up from his book.

“Ville, in case you didn’t notice, we’re snowed in.  That means no going outside and therefore no skating.”

“Who says you can’t skate inside?” Ville gestured around the empty cabin.  “The floors are wood, so they’ll work, right?”

Bam’s eyes lit up.  “Ville, I think I love you!”  He got up and ran off to find his board.  Ville was thankful, too.  He didn’t want Bam to see his blush at those words.  Fuck.  I told Mige I would tell Bam, but we got so trashed the last two nights it just didn’t seem right.  What can I do?  I’ll try to tell him today...

“Geronimo!” Bam yelled as he ramped down the stairs on his board.  He rolled up to Ville and started in on him.  “Come on, Willa,” he whined, “I wanna teach you some tricks!”

“Bam, I haven’t skated since I was a kid.  I’m not about to start again.”

“But it’ll be fun!” Bam protested, convinced Ville should be trying to skate.

“Fine.  If I let you teach me a trick, I get something I want later.”

“Like what?  A salad?”

“Fucker.  No. But you’ll see.”

“Well, whatever.  Let’s skate!”

Bam helped Ville get his balance on the board.  Ville was surprised at how easily the balance came back to him.  It seemed to him like riding a bike; once learned it can’t be unlearned.  The tricks Bam wanted to teach him, however, were proving difficult at best.

“Fuck! Ow, Bam, this sucks!”

“Ville, everyone falls a couple times! Get over it and stop being a baby.”

“Thanks, Captain Encouragement.  I know everyone falls a couple times, but this is getting ridiculous.  I mean, did we have to start off with ‘go over the kitchen table on two wheels’ as the first trick, seriously?”

“Well, I can do it.”
“Well I can sing.  But that doesn’t mean I’m Tony Hawk Jr.”

Ville grumbled as he got up to try again.  This time, he actually fell after completing most of the way across the table.

“Good job, Ville! See? You’re getting it down already!” Bam beamed, obviously proud of his idol.  Ville just rolled his eyes and got up again.  This time, he made it across the table, but still ending up falling - right into Bam.  The board flew out from under him and he smashed into his friend, a muffled “Ooomf!” coming from both of them.  Bam had ended up flat on his back with Ville on top of him.  Both men looked into the other’s eyes.

“Uh, whoops,” Ville muttered, starting to blush as he scrambled up from the floor.  “Um, you ok?”

“Yeah, sorry,” Bam looked away, suddenly shy.  “Well, um, what do you wanna do now?”

“Hmm, watch a movie or something?”

“Yeah, ok.”

The two friends went from being their normal, casual selves to being a complete stumbling mess around one another after that.  Normally, they weren’t afraid of touching, not at all, but suddenly, if Ville’s hand brushed Bam’s arm he’d pull away violently, or if Bam’s foot touched Ville’s, he mutter a quick, “Sorry!”

Ville knew something was up, not to mention he was silently kicking himself for not opening up to Bam long ago.  Halfway through the movie, Ville noticed he was no longer paying attention as he was off in his own little world.  He glanced toward Bam, who appeared to be lost in his thoughts as well.  He grabbed the remote and switched off the DVD player.

A few seconds went by before Bam said, “Uh, hey, what’s goin’ on?”

“Bam, we need to talk.”  A lump had formed in Ville’s throat, but he’d be damned if he was going to chicken out now.

“Umm, ok.  What’s up?”

Ville sighed.  How many times had he played this scenario out in his mind?  How many times had he rehearsed his profession of love, Bam’s response, their beautiful union?  He realized now that no amount of planning ever worked in situations like this - you just had to go with the flow.

“Bam, we’re been friends a long time, yeah?”

Bam nodded, looking slightly confused and worried.

“And we’ll always be friends, right?  No matter what?”

“Of course. You know that Ville.  Why?  Is there something wrong?”

“Yes and no, Bam.”  Ville got up and began to pace.  “Look, I’m just asking you to hear me out on this one, ok?  I know this might not be the best time, but I can’t see their ever being a good time for it, so I’m just going to say it.  Bam, I like you as more than a friend.  Yes, I have come to terms with the fact that I am bisexual.  Yes, I also know that you aren’t gay, so I’m not harboring any misconceived notions that you feel the same.  I just thought you should know because if I kept it in any longer, I think I would have exploded.”  Ville stopped and stared at an extremely interesting speck of lint on the floor.

“Ville,” Bam said softly, “I don’t think you need to be looking at lint right now.”

Ville looked up to Bam and saw tears in his eyes.

“Bam!  Oh God, I’m so sorry!  I knew I should just not have said anything, I’m so-”

“Ville, I love you.”

Ville’s breath hitched as he stared at Bam.  Could this be a joke?

“I....I’ve loved you for a long time.  And, yeah...I’m not gay but, well...I’m attracted to you, too.”

“Bam, are you serious?”

Bam just nodded, the tears finally falling from his eyes.  Ville went to where he was on the couch and embraced him, both men now openly crying into each other’s shoulders.  Soon, though, the tears turned into giggles and then into fits of laughter as both men shook uncontrollably on the floor in near hysterics.  After several minutes of laughing, Ville finally sputtered out, “B-b-bam...inhaler!”

Bam ran to grab the medicine, laughing all the while.  He handed Ville the device and watched as his asthmatic friend began to breathe normally.  Still laughing, Ville choked out, “Fuck, I need a smoke.”

“Well, wait til the asthma attack’s gone at least,” Bam grinned.

“Sorry about that - it was getting a little serious for a second,” Ville grinned back, still hiccupping laughter.

“Yeah, it was.  But I meant it, Vil.  Really.”

“Me too.”

“It’s kinda scary.”

“I know.”

The two looked at each other. “So, um, you want to try, like, a relationship, or something?  Just see how it goes, maybe?” Bam asked nervously.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Ok.  Well, boyfriend, what do you wanna do now?  You get to pick, remember, cuz I said you could if you tried to skate.”

“I think we should share a first kiss.”

Bam gulped audibly.  This was not the kind of activity he was thinking of.  Then again, he’s just admitted to being in love with his friend and started a new relationship.  Plus, they’d kissed before.  This wasn’t any different, right?  Except it was.  They weren’t the least bit drunk or high, and there was no one else around, no one to impress.  It was just them.

“Um, ok...”

The two leaned together awkwardly and kissed on the lips.  Both pulled away, looking as if they had just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

“I liked it,” Bam said quietly.

“Me too.”

They sat for just a moment staring at each other.  “Oh fuck it,” Ville said, tackling Bam and beginning to make out with him.

After making out for about a half hour, both men were too hard to stand it anymore, but neither one was confident enough yet to go any further.  They settled for cuddling by the cabin’s toasty fireplace.

The clock on the mantle started to chime and both looked up to it - midnight, Christmas morning.

“Willa?” Bam asked tentatively.


“Merry Christmas.  I love you.” He snuggled in close to his new boyfriend, thinking of all the things the coming days would hold for them both.

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Ville whispered, kissing the top of Bam’s head while both fell asleep by the fire.

fic:one-shot, rating:pg, genre:fluff, author:m

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