Title: The Divine Comedy: “Inferno” [Prologue]
Chapter Title: Prologue, or “9 Crimes” [BPOV]
midge62680 /
venus_doom62680 Rating: (R) - (NC-17)
Pairing: Vam
Summary: “Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost…” Snapshots of Bam and Ville’s proverbial journey through their own personal Hell while searching for Love, and the way back “home.”
Disclaimer: DK, DO, DS. The Divine Comedy belongs to Dante. Lyrics to “9 Crimes” that appear in this chapter belong to Damien Rice.
Dedication: To whoever actually takes a chance on this, reads it, and sees it through with me to the end. :-) ♥
A/N: [Oh hai, it's an A/N on the A/N (lol!)]: It’s long. The A/N, I mean. And by long, I mean looooooong. Epic, even. So much so, that I felt bad posting it at all. But “The Author’s Note of Doom,” in my Muse’s opinion, is a necessary evil in order to understand this story, so we compromised, and decided to post it separately at my fic journal.
Because I know that some people might be like, “nope, not reading this fic because of the epic A/N,”* and I don’t want it to scare anyone away, no matter how much my smexy Muse is stomping around in nothing more than a pair leather trousers, whining about how important it is for my readers to understand where the fuck he’s coming from. I swear on all that is holy, this is the longest A/N I’ve ever written, but vow you will NEVER find one of this length from me again!
Therefore, clicky the link down below, and no worries, I’ll link the fic at the end of the A/N, so you won’t need to go wandering the interwebz in search of the first installment of my most recent wacky invention. ;-)
And now…
…TO THE AUTHOR’S NOTE OF DOOM! *And for those of you who chose option #2, aka “I-don’t-give-a-flying-fuck-about-your-epic-A/N-I’m-not-five-years-old-and-I’ll-follow-along-just-fine-thank-you,” follow the link below to the first installment of The Divine Comedy: “Inferno” [Prologue]. ;-D