yup. More.
I know. You guys are like "God. When does this thing end?" Never, it seems. But I have a plan. .....of sorts.
Notes - Ch 31. Yaya! *giggles* I love this chapter opener!!!
[Ville's P.O.V.]
The next morning wasn't much different than the last. Minus the phone calls and the crying and the confusion. Not to mention taht I was awoke by...myself.
Sound odd, yet? Trust me, it is. It is very odd to be awoke by your own voice singing to you. I don't much like listening to our CDs. I find things I don't like about the way I sound and then I want to re-record the entire album. That's why I'm gald I don't have to decide what's good for our albums. We probably wouldn't even have a single out yet!
When I woke up, I was greeted with two things:
A.) The sound of me singing "Your Sweet Six Six Six"
B.) Bam jumping aruond the room; complete with air guitar and air drums.
Oh, did I happen to mention this was all being done while he was shirtless and down to only his boxers? Yes. Quote a nice sight to be greeted with first thing in the morning.
I sat up and stayed quiet, just deciding to let this amusing and wonderful sight play out before me for as long as possible.
When the song was over, Bam skipped Poison Girl--I wonder why? Yeah, right--and came bouncing over to the bed. "what are you so happy about?" I asked with a smile.
"Got a phone call this morning." He answered vaguely.
Phone call? I never heard any phone ring! Guess I was really out. I'm usually such a light sleeper.... "From who?"
"Guess," He grinned, apparently not able to stop.
I sighed, "I dont like guessing games, Bam!"
"I know, but just once. I'll tell you. Promise!" He saluted at me.
"All right, all right! I'l tell you." And he stopped abruptly.
"Ape called."
He's calling her Ape again. I'm thinking this might be a good thing. Though his statement and current attitude didn't make much since considering the last few days. And his attitude towards her then. "And...that made you...bouncy?"
"No. I was like that when I woke up." He shrugged.
Bam, darling, lear how to understand subtext. "So...what did she say?"
"Don't tell me to guess, Bam."
"Right." He nodded, "She said..." He was grinning like an idiot. "I could come home." He sounded so happy about it, I couldn't help but smile a little. "A-and the only reason she said that...it wasn't just to get me home. She said she was cool with it. She even said you could move in, Ville!"
I don't know about that. I don't like the way this came about. But I can't ruin his excitment, so I just grinned and gave a half-enthusiatic, "That's great!"
He didn't seem to notice my fake smile and lack of enthusiasm. "Yeah. The only thing she doesn't want..."
And so the picture will become more clear. I felt that something I wouldn't like much about to come hurling at me.
He laughed, "As she put it: No cutesy-cutesy stuff around me."
I laughed a little, "Well, if that's her only condition--"
"You will move in...right?" When he'd cut me off, he'd sounded confident, but as he actually asked the question, his voice fell in both volume and confidence.
"Of course!" That, I actually had enthusiasm in. I couldn't have him going off thinking I wouldn't. Why wouldn't I?
He didn't seem to hear me as he went on, "I-I mean...except when....you're touring or...when you have to go home or--"
I put a finger to his lips to shut him up. "I said....yes, Bam."
He grinned against my finger, "Thank, God."
"No...thank me!"
Bam rolled his eyes, but as the look that suddenly swept over his face, I knew he'd just thought of something he didn't like. And probably something I've been biting back on mentioning. "What if...What if Ape's only doing all of this...to get me home?" He asked, his voice too quiet for my liking. My Bam doesn't talk that quiet. My Bam....is always loud.
"I really don't think she'd do that, Bam. I know she doesn't like this and I'm sure you miss her as much as she's missing you, but I don't think April would lie over something like that just to get you to come home."
"I don't know. I mean..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, suddenly morphing into the Bam I'd come to know over the past few days. The one that's worried all the time. The one...that makes me worry about him. "It just seems like...this was an overnight deal. And that kind of makes me wonder about the sincerity of it all."
I could see where he would get that. It did seem a bit odd, but April has always been a think-things-through type of person as long as I've known her. She just isn't the type to decide something on a complete whim. Makes you wonder where the hell Bam gets it from, doesn't it?
I smiled a little and linked our fingers (I like the feeling of it...it's reassuring to me. Sue me.) and rubbed my thumb on the top of his hand. "I understand where you're coming from....but honestly, is your mom known so much for making decisions on a whim?"
"No...and that's what worries me."
Notes - Muuussstttt......STOP...........THIS..............A-aNGST! *dies* anyway...
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Later days,
Ch 32
End of a Friendship, or Beginning of a Relationship?
Disclaimer: You know it, I know you do! "You can't own a person!" Yay. We all know now. XD
Notes - Ch 32. Yaya! *giggles* I love this chapter opener!!!
[Bam's P.O.V.]
I looked up a Ville for reassurance. I don't want it to all be fake. To be a ploy to get me home. And I need to hear that from someone. But the problem is...I think Ville believes everything I've just said. So...he can't really reassure me and tell me I'm wrong. That's making it harder for me to keep the tears from coming.
I've hated this week so bad. It seems like all I've done is yell, get yelled at, or cry. And I don't like that at all. I'm never that emotional. And I hate it! That's not the way I am. That's not me! But it doesn't matter. The tears came anyway. I made my way to sit more on the bed and fell over towards Ville, who just took me in his arms, rubbing my shoulder blade with his thumb. "I don't want it to be fake, Ville. I want her to be telling the truth....I...I..." I coughed, choking on my tears, crying into Ville's shoulder.
"Shh...shh...it'll be all right, Bam..." He made me look up at him, "It's going to be right. You'll see. We'll go back...and you'll see." He kissed me lightly on the forehead before letting me bury my face in his shoulder again.
God, I hope he's right. I want him to be right so bad. I can feel the want for it in every bone in my body. But I just couldn't bring myself to believe it. Or to calm down at all. The tears kept coming and I just couldn't stop. I wanted to, but it was hard. They just kept coming and I never really did learn how to just...stop crying. I don't know how people do that. I know I can't do it. Or I would have. God....I would have stopped it several days ago.
I figure it was about fifteen or twenty minutes later when Ville lifted my head again, "Bam, love."
I loked up at him, chewing on my lower lip for a moment before saying, "I...I'm sorry. I know...it's stupid. I...I shouldn't be crying over this. I...I mean...but..." A choked sob escaped me and sent me into a small coughing fit.
"Baby...stop. You're going to make yourself sick."
"You can't make yourself sick from crying."
"Yes, you can. I've done it before."
"Oh..." Now I just feel stupid and I guess it showed, because Ville cupped my cheek in his hand.
I felt another set of tears fall from my eyes as I stared at him, "Y-yeah?"
"Don't worry so much..." He stroked my cheek lightly with his thumb, "It'll be all right." God, I love that smile. That cute, shy smile he's got. So adorable. "You don't have to worry. I really don't think that she'd lie like--"
"But you don't know her!" I shouted out suddenly, "You don't know my family like I do, Ville!"
"I-I...I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. I...I just--"
I had my head ducked down, "God...I'm such an idiot....such a bastard. I'm sorry...I just...." I looked up at him, "I'm so fucked up right now."
Notes - Welll...that's ch 32. Awwww. *huggles Bam* I really hate everything I've done to him. But it'll all work out in the end. TRUST me. *grin*
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Later days,
And...that's this chapter set *sighs* I hated 32.....*sighs again* Oh, wel....
Later days,