Title: Slaying the Dragon.
Pairing: Vam.
Rating: R.
Summary: It hurts y'know, to see you lying there like a broken and delirious doll dropped and forgotten...
Warnings: Drug Abuse, Angst, Character Death.
A.n.: none
It hurts y'know, to see you lying there like a broken and delirious doll dropped and forgotten on the carpet. When you don't know the difference between reality and dreams. When you can happily talk to dust motes for hours but not even notice that I'm holding you, kissing you.
I hate it when you smile like that, like you're looking at something that shouldn't be seen by mortal eyes. I hate you when you smile at me like that. I hate the way you make me feel like an empty shell every time you come back to yourself.
You always say it's the last time. You wont do it again you say and Bammie please don't leave me You cry and I promise you lie.
And every time I believe you. And every time you do it again.
How can I deal with this when everyday you expects me to sit here and watch you kill yourself? I'm sorry Ville I just can't handle it anymore.
Not that it matters, you won't remember a word I'm saying when you wake up. Hell it'll probably be at least several hours before you wake up and notice I'm gone.
I kind of feel bad though, leaving the other guys to deal with you. Love you babe.