Title: Screaming
Author: Loki_the_Sinner
Summary: Ville hates that the screaming never stops.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, I wish I did, but sadly I dont...
Rating: PG-13 a little swearing
A/N: This story is really abstract so it doesn't make the most sense in the world. I wrote it during Math because I finnished my test early.
Ville hates that the screaming never stops, whether its him, Bam or the Demons screaming, its always loud and makes his ears hurt. Ville hates when he’s screaming, because when he screams it makes his throat hurt and he cant sing.
"Sing me a song Ville?"
"You know I cant Bam."
The demons scream too, vile creatures that line the walls, shrouded in the shadows so neither Bam nor Ville can ever see there faces. Their screams are high pitched and make your ears hurt. They make Ville cry, he says the demons are in pain but Bam disagrees.
"If there hurt why would they hurt us, wouldn’t they know how it feels and not do it to some one else?"
"Maybe they don’t want to be alone."
Bam doesn’t scream as much as Ville and the creatures. He only screams when they tie him up take away his blood. He needs it and he really wishes they would let him keep it. He also screams when they take Ville away, because Ville is his and they cant have him. He needs Ville like he needs his blood, so he really wishes they would let him keep Ville too.
"Where do you go when they take you?"
"I don’t know but its very cold, I don’t like the cold."
When they give Ville back he doesn’t scream for a little while and for Bam that time is always the worst. The snakes come then, they slither around on the floor and try to get him. So Bam sits on the bed and cries, until Ville wakes up because then he starts screaming again and the snakes leave because they don’t like it when he screams.
"I want to go home, why are we here?"
"We don’t even know where here is, so how can we get home?"
Sometimes when the demons are sleeping Bam sneaks into Ville’s bed and they fuck. Bam moves hard and fast inside Ville and they both pant and moan. Ville always cums first then Bam. They go to sleep afterwards but the demons always wake them and yell at them. They make then shower and get dressed then send them back to the room where they usually end up fucking again and again. Sometimes the demons look in on them while they do, they mutter to themselves and each other,
"We shouldn’t let them do this." "There not hurting anyone why stop them?" "Its not allowed." "Its not like one will get knocked up or something." "Their families want them together." "Their families want them in the same room, not fucking each other." "We’ve talked with them about it, they were involved before they came here, the families want them to be aloud to continue there relationship." "They’re fucking mental, I doubt they even remember each other."
But Bam figures the demons are the crazy ones if they think he doesn’t remember Ville. He remembers a lot about Ville, like that he sings, and that he likes to wear makeup, that he can plat the guitar and the drums, that he has asthma. And he knows that he loves Ville and Ville loves him because Ville told him so, and Ville never lies to him.
"Why do we have sex?"
"I suppose were in love, because that’s what you do when your in love right?"
Ville likes to tell Bam what he remembers, because Bam doesn’t remember much about himself except that his name is Bam and he used to live in a very big house. He tell Bam about how he liked to skateboard, and play pranks on people. That he used to like a band called Him and Ville is pretty sure that he was the singer for that band. He tells Bam about his friends, how he had a lot of them and they all liked to laugh. That he has a brother. Bam says Ville has a brother too but Ville thinks that he’s wrong, because he can’t remember that at all.
"Did I ever fly on a plane?"
"I think you did a lot, we lived very far away, so you had to when you visited."
Sometimes people come see them, they call them by their names and talk with them. But Bam doesn’t recognize them, Ville doesn’t either but he says that they are important so Bam is nice to them. They stay for a while then leave. One time Bam asked the woman with blonde hair who seemed to like him where she when she left. She told him she was going home. He asked if him and Ville could come with her sometime. She cried and Bam was worried he made he sad, but then she hugged him and said that she would love it if they came over one day.
"Do you think she means it, that we can go with her?"
"I’m sure she does, because she seems to like us a lot, I don’t know why she’d lie to us."
Ville doesn’t understand what the demon means when it tell them their going home. Bam seems excided though so he figures it wont be too bad. The blonde woman comes and they walk through the halls until they reach a door. it’s the door they’ve never been through and it scares Ville. But Bam isn’t scared so he supposes it cant be to horrible. The door opens and its bright theirs trees and grass and the sun is there. Ville decides he likes it well enough and follows Bam who’s following the blonde woman to a car.
"I wonder what home is like."
"I’m sure it will be nice, I think I remember it a little."
They drive for a long time. And Bam falls asleep. Ville decides to stay awake incase the demons come and try to take them back. He realizes he doesn’t know the woman’s name so he asks her. It’s April, and he decides he likes it. The car stops eventually and Ville looks out the window. He looks at the house they pulled up to and realizes he remembers it. He wakes Bam up to tell him.
"What’s going on?"
"I remember this place Bam, its your house the big one!"
Bam smiles and Ville smiles. They climb out of the car and April walks with them to the door. When they open it they find a whole bunch of people waiting for them. Ville scans the room quickly. No demons. He remembers a lot of the people but not well. Bam does too. They eat and have a cake then April leads them to a room upstairs to sleep.
"I like home, do you?"
"Yes, I like home a lot."
And that night they didn’t scream because that night the demons stayed away and no snakes came to get them and Bam decide that he wanted to stay in home with Ville forever because he’d never been somewhere so nice. He tells Ville this, and Ville agrees because now that he’s not screaming he can sing again.
"Ville will you sing me a song."
"Yes Bammie of course I will."