Ok, so I have no new chapter for my Blackmail fic. :( I'm working on it, though! I really am! I just...have an entire week to plan on for it, so, it's go going to take a little longer than expected [as I had honestly thought it would be up by now....]. So, yeah.
I do have a new fic. Yeah, I know? Starting a new one when I'm not done with the first one. I'm bad about that.... lol Anyway....
Title - End of a Friendship, or Beginning of a Relationship?
By - PheonixFireBlack
Summary - Based on a random scene that played through my head tonight. Cute and maybe a teensy bit angsty, but I don't know. I have NO fucking idea what I'm doing with this thing.
Genre - General
Rating - R
Warnings - Language *rolls eyes* lol!
Feedback - Please?
Critics - Sure
Disclaimer - Don't know. Don't own. Never happened.
Notes - First shot at any P.O.V. in this. Let's hope I do ok. I figure I will. I like doing POV fics and I think I kind of understand what Ville's like a little bit, so, yeha. *grin* Let's just hope I do all right
End of a Friendship, or Beginning of a Relationship?
[Ville's P.O.V.]
The first thing I noticed when my brain decided to be concious was the pounding headache I had. Why did I have a headache, again? It took me a moment, but I remembered last night. Vaguely, mind you, but well enough to know that the pounding in my head was due to a massive hangover. God, I hate hangovers.
The second thing I noticed when I woke up was that I wasn't alone. Someone was with me. Now, if I was up to it, I could always just open my eyes and see who was next to me. However, I don't feel to up to that. Not yet. Nope. Just lay here for another while.
Finally decided to open my eyes and find out just who the body against me belonged to. One eye....then the other....wait for the vision to clear a bit...and...Oh, SHIT! Were we really that drunk? No. Nothing happened. Right? But if it did....but it didn't. He's got a higher alcohol tolerence than I do. He wouldn't let that hapen. ...............Would he? I don't know. He might. He's been confusing beyond belief lately. But I don't know. Dammit. If only I could remember something between the time we left the bar and....now. Dammit!
Oh, God. Can't he just stop looking so cute. No, not cute. Adorable. No. That's not the word I was hoping for, either. Or maybe it was. I don't even know any more. All I know is that the only words running through my mind to describe the man lying next to me are such: Cute, adorable, captivating, and there are others, but I'd rather not think about them all.
All right, I can't do that. He'll wake up. And God knows he'd wake up in the middle of it. Then he would be completely concious. And then everything would be ruined. I'll just lie here and watch the angelic form next to me sleep. No matter how bad I want to kiss him senseless.
Dammit. Why can't I just listen to my own brain? Oh, well.
Kissing him now. And. Oh? Wow. Didn't expect that. He's kissing back. Interesting. Maybe he's been hiding something from me? God, I love the feel of his lips on mine. It's just absolutely wonderful and--SHIT! He woke up. And he doesn't look very happy. Or, at least, he looks throughly shocked with his eyes wide like that and all. And he broke the kiss, too. And that really sucks. I was really getting into it. I liked that kiss. Why'd he go and do something stupid like end it? Dammit.
"Ville?" He shouted, shocked to find his best friend leaning over him and waking up with his lips over his own.
"Bam..." I barely managed to get out as I backed off of him.
Oh, the things I manage to get myself into. This is not good. At all. He's so freaked out right now. God, he hates me, doesn't he? Dammit.
Bam was sitting up now and when he spoke, it was slowly, as he was still shocked and trying to digest things in his mind. "Uh...Ville...."
"Yeah?" I asked nervously, trying to brace myself for what may come.
"Why were you....I mean, you were..and I...and we were...Why?" Bam stammered out, clearly still confused about what had really happened.
If Bam had trouble with wording things, I sure as hell lost out to him. "Well...it was just...I...er...I was just...well, um...see, I..." I licked my lips nervously. God, this is a position I'd love to be able to get out of right now! "I was just...thinking....about...last night. And I thought that we might have..." I trailed off with the look I saw flash across his face and my next words were quick and rushed, "Which, we obviously didn't and I've decided as of right now that I am never thinking again when I know I was drunk the previous night because it only gets me into huge trouble and--"
Bam cut me off, "But...why?"
Dammit! Why are you still hung up on that? Did you hear a word I just said? Obviously not. Maybe I can try to clarify it a bit. But how do I say it any other way? Well, I could always go on about how I've known that I'm in love with him for the past five years, but as the 'kiss-Bam-while-he's-asleep' bit didn't go over so well, I figure I'll go against the five-year confession for now. "I...I don't know, I just...I-I...I don't...I don't know." I shrugged a little.
Bam didn't seem to like that answer. "I don't believe a word of that. I know you better than that, Ville. You had a reason, didn't you?"
"Well...yeah, but...I...." I stammered out. Damn you, Bam. Damn you! "I-I, um...I don't want to talk about it." I said, suddenly drawing the blanket around me and putting it over my head and falling to my side, curled up in a ball. Maybe if I stay like this, he'll just go away.
Oh, sure. That's great. Not childish at all. Wow, I'm an idiot sometimes. I have got to remember to not look like a five year old that isn't getting something to go their way.
After lying there, blanket over my head, peeking out of the small hole I left, I sighed silently. I poked my head out and looked up at Bam. "You aren't leaving, are you?"
"Not until I get a straight answer to my question." Bam said, though he did look slightly more amused than I'd seen him in the last couple of minutes. And that was always good, I suppose. Then again, who knows with Bam Margera?
"But I don't want to tell you..." I said hesitantly. Of course I don't want to tell him! I know he's not the type for this sort of thing!
"Why not?" Bam asked, genuinely (and adorably) confused.
"Because...I don't want to ruin our friendship." And it will. When--if--I tell him. Just at the way he's reacted to the kiss. I can't imagine what he's going to do when--if--I tell him about being in love with him for the last five years. Yeah. That'll go over real well. I'm sure of it.
Bam scoffed, "I don't know where you've been for the past eight years, but I don't think anything's gonna ruin our friendship."
Dammit. Why do you have to sound so damn convincing? "That doesn't make me want to tell you any more." I said quietly.
"Ville..." Bam said in a warning tone.
But I don't want to. It's going to fuck everthing up. I know it will. And I don't want to screw things up between us. But if I don't tell him something it might end up messing things up at least a little bit anyway. "Well, I...I...um...well, I-I...er..." Oh, yes. That went over quite well, didn't it?
"Come on, Valo!" Bam shouted, obviously getting annoyed, "Just tell me already!"
I sighed and licked my lips nervously. Honestly don't want to do this..... "I'vebeeninlovewithyourforfiveyearsandhaven'twantedtotellyouinfearofruiningourfriendshipbutnowI'mbeingforcedtotellyoubecauseifIdon'tI'llonlymanagetofuckthingsupevenworse." I said, jamming all my words together, praying that Bam wouldn't ask for a repeat, even though I knew he would.
Bam stared at me, absolutely lost, I'm sure. "I heard....five years, friendship, fuck up, and a helluva a lot 'a I's."
That did not amuse Bam. "I'd like a repeat of that. But slower."
I chewed on my lower lip for a moment before speaking again. "I-I've been in love with you......for five years....and haven't wanted to tell you...in fear of ruining our friendship but...but now I'm being forced to tell you because if I don't....I'll only manage to fuck things up even worse." I said slowly, not only because he'd asked me to, but because I was afraid of his reaction when I was done. And his reaction was, quite possibly, the worst it could have been.
Bam just sat there, completely silent and absolutely still, trying to let things sink in. I couldn't really tell much what he was thinking; Bam isn't the easiest person to read. After a few moments of this, he finally did something. He shook his head, "One of us has to leave....I don't care which one of us it is, but....I...I've...I've gotta give this some serious thought, Ville."
"I...I'll go." I said quietly, slowly getting up and off the bed. I picked up my shirt, which had, at some point, beed discarded on the floor and forgotten. I started my way towards the door, but stopped before I opened it. Turning back towards Bam, I didn't meet his eyes as I said, "Before I go...I have to know..." I licked my lips, "Does this....ruin our friendship....like I thought it would?"
Notes - Oh! I'm fucking evil, aren't I? Yes. Because I really am ending the chapter there. Ouch, eh? Well, the next chapter will be in Bam's P.O.V. and will go through his thoughts on everything that's going on.
Drop a line!
Later days,