TITLE: Soulless Love
AUTHOR: Rebecca - bloodhill
SUMMARY: Bam has never liked Ville’s ways, but he still puts up with him. Angst. (sorry I suck at summaries.)
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own these boys, I don’t know them, and I’m positive this has never happened.
AN: This was a Frank/Gerard story, but I think it works much better as vam. : ) So I’m reposting it as vam.
Soulless Love
Bam walked down the house that once was full of light and happiness; he remembered how every piece of the house would scream welcome and how it now was pushing him away. He stopped outside of the big door that led to the one person he loved and hated at the same time, the person who had been pushing more and more away. Silently he walked into the dusty room, seeing his once lover lying on the ten man bed; his green eyes shut tight.
“Ville?” He questioned slowly making his way to the bed.
Ville’s eyes flew open and he sent a chilling smile towards Bam. “Hey, I thought you were going to see Mige.”
Bam nodded and looked at Ville’s blood shot eyes. “I was…but I got a little worried and came to see you…” He let his voice trail off as he saw the state of the room, clothes every where, ashtrays full of cigarette butts.
“No need for that Bammie, you know when we ended everything that my health and everything else about me was no more of your concern,” Ville stated coldly slipping out of bed.
“Don’t give me that Ville! You know I still care about you, as a friend and…”
“More?” Ville finished for him. “Yeah I heard it all before, than my little secret came out and you all of a sudden couldn’t handle being with me.”
Bam shook his head from side to side, trying to hide the hurt on his face. “No…it’s not like that, I…I just…”
“Wow…Bam tongue tied, never thought I’d see the day. Now if you’d excuse me I have plans for the night.” Ville pushed his way past Bam and walked to his closet, he pulled out a pair of black pants and a black button up shirt.
Bam stared at Ville’s back for a while before opening his mouth. “Where are you going?”
Ville turned around and smirked. “I thought you would know that answer. I told you Bammie, if you can’t accept the way I live and survive, leave me alone. Simple as that.”
Bam looked down and pushed the pictures of Ville and another one of his victims from his mind. “How could you do that? If you loved me you would control yourself, and don’t give me a stupid excuse about you needing to feed. I know you can survive on just one victim a month, but you go out at least three times a week.”
Ville smirked and walked up to Bam. “Oh don’t be jealous, it’s not a good trait. I’ll be back later, if you stay here sleep in the spare room. Who knows who I might bring back.”
Bam watched as Ville walked from the room, knowing that he’d never truly leave his friend, his love… He laughed bitterly to himself. “My soulless love,” came from his lips before he walked to the spare bedroom, where he would spend the night worrying over his vampire friend.
I like that one so much more as a vam pairing than a Frankie/Gerard pairing. Anyway, hope you liked it. : )