The true story of God, Lucifer and a man named Bam

Jan 12, 2007 08:47

Title: The True Story of God, Lucifer and a Man Named Bam
Pairing: Ville/Bam and others to come.
Rating: PG/PG-13
Disclaimer:Don't own, this never happened, yadda yadda.
Summary: (supposed to be humour but that's for you to decide...) Bam get's kidnapped by the Devil. Summaries give away the story, that's all I'm giving away. sorry.

Previous Chapters:



"Okay where to begin..." he said getting a little lost in thought. "Oh yes, I know now... Well here's the thing... umm how do I put this... well your here for my pleasure mainly, 'cause all there is down here are demons and vampires and shit, then all these fallens. Oh let's not forget Azrael he's somewhere around here I just know it... sorry getting of track I do that sometimes." he said, giving me a soft smile.

"F-for your pleasure?" I stumbled, my eyes growing wide. I kinda stopped listening after he said I was here for his pleasure...

"Yeah... anyways, like I was saying..." lucifer said watching me to see if I was going to do anything stupid again... like maybe try the door for the 3rd time that day (maybe that's not such a bad idea...). When he saw that I wasn't going to do anything he continued. "So your here for my pleasure, because I want to be with something/someone different, something new you know? And the fact that your 'supposedly' Gods creation makes it all the more better." He said smiling.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I asked gripping the edge of the chair causing my knuckles to go white.

"It means, the only kind of mortals we get down here are the dead souls of the deceased. And all of those go into the lake of fire. All mortals go to hell no matter how good they were, there's no such thing as a mortal becoming an angel, they either become a saint, get sent down here, or a lost soul forever to drift the earth, because angels are Gods creation's also. Only a selected few get to enter heaven... mostly women..." he said the last word with great distaste.

"Why do you sound like you despise women and God?" I asked becoming more curious than I was for my desperation to get out of here.

"It's a long story. I'll just give you the summary of the whole thing and tell you later the whole actual story." He said his tone becoming quite bitter. "You know that whole war they put in the bible about me defying god, you know, the 'Rebellion'? Or whatever the hell they called it in their damn book... anyways it was actually a fight me and god had because I found out that he went and knocked up a 13 year old mortal girl and got her pregnant on her first try. The bastard... and so all in all if you read the bible it's just god giving me a bad name and shit. And all those fallen angels where angels who didn't deserve to be damned down here for all eternity they were just on my side of the story for what happened. But that's what happens when you try and help someone... Fuck him I still can't believe he chose a mere girl over me!" He said angrily pointing at himself.

"" I said still trying to get this whole concept processed into my brain. Everything some-what made more sense now...

What if he's lying and trying to deceive you? after all he is the Devil... that little annoying voice in the back of my mind said.

But no he didn't sound like he was lying or anything. He actually sounded like he was telling the truth and right now he looked like he needed comforting even if he did kidnap me.

"Yeah pretty simple isn't it? well there's more to it but I don't think your ready to know about that yet, not until we start to build trust between one another." He said a sad smile portraying his beautiful face. "Here I know why don't I show you around?" he said trying to lighten the mood.

"That'd be great." I was itching to see what Hell really looked like...

"Well.... I still have to get dressed so just stay put, it's not like you can go any where anyways, I mean your in Hell after all. The only way out is if I bring you back or I have Azrael take you back." With that he walked into a door he made appear with the flick of his wrist, it surprised me but not as surprised as I would have been earlier now that realization has set in.

Don't trust him, listen to me for once. He is lying to you, just so he can seduce and rape you. Damn you voice! No he seemed so sincere and honest.


"Why are you having an argument in your mind? People will think your crazy." Lucifer said with an amused smile on his face.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" God he scared the shit outta me.. I didn't even notice him come back in...

"Okay then, you know you are a weird mortal... So are you ready to look around?" He asked holding out his arm for me to take.

"Yes." I muttered out taking his arm. I looked over to see what he was wearing since I didn't take much time in looking earlier. He had on a tight pair of black leather pants on and a white muscle shirt on, with a pair of black fingerless gloves.

Wow and to think I never believed God or the Devil existed... And the devil is hott, not like the way most people described him, even with the purple neon irises it just portrayed his beautiful face even more.

"Nice to know you like what you see." He said looking me in the eyes with a smirk plastered on his face.

I could feel my face heat up. We were now what appeared to be a living room? I think that's what it was.

"Yeah it is. It's actually the formal living room." He stated.

It was a pretty nice living room, well at least the best I've ever seen so far in my life, even though I'm 22 I still haven't seen enough living rooms to have them compared to this one. The walls where a deep crimson color, and the floor was blood-wood cherry flooring, in the ceiling there was a mural of a battle, with what I supposed werewolves and some sort of demons I think that's what they are, they looked human but not exactly, their skin was a slight red color and they had black eyes with these leathery wings sticking out of their backs, in the middle of the ceiling though was this big chandelier made of crystal and the lighting was these candles in glass. There were various seating arrangements through-out the room.

"Glad you liked it, 'cause you'll be here for a while." He said as he dragged me through pair of doors on the other side of the room. What?! I don't wanna stay here forever! Ugh.... I still have to get used to the fact that he can read my mind... probably gunna take me forever to get used to though...

When we walked into the room it seemed to be the foyer, considering the large doors on the far end, a royal blue carpet runner with intricate designs going through it going down the middle of the foyer floor all the way to the door, the walls where made of stone and yet another mural in the ceiling. This one was different though, it had what seemed to be nymphs...? yeah I think that's what they were 'cause they where painted to be in mid-transformation of whatever was their object they were, like a tree or a body of water.

There wasn't much talk between us as we toured the rest of his, I wanna say mansion, or castle considering the size, even though I haven't been on the outside to see the size just the amount of rooms there where gave me a good impression of just how big it was. There were at least 15 bedrooms, most had bathrooms, 2 livings rooms, 2 kitchens, one for show I guess and one where the cooks actually cooked everything, there where some rooms he didn't take me in, said he'd show me later, and then an office, and a library. I really liked the library though, there were a lot of books, making me wonder who keeps this place from getting any dust, I didn't read much though, but it was a beautiful room. I hadn't really seen any one else when touring his castle or whatever you would call this place maybe I'll just call it a chateau. Yeah I think that's a more fitting name to call it... anyways there where a couple of maids here and there, they were a bit odd if that's what you wanna call it, their silver eyes, and transparent skin, gave off an eerie glow. They weren't ghosts or anything they were solid they just had see through skin, and you where able to see their bones, since they had no organs or anything...

"So what do you think?" Lucifer said breaking me from my train of thoughts.

"It's nice... and old looking, probably a lot of history in this place." I said looking him in the eyes, a small smile crossing my face.

"Glad you like it. 'Cause this is where you'll be living for most of your life, until I find what I really want to do with you." He said slipping an arm around my waist.

"WHAT!?" WHAT THE HELL?! IS HE CRAZY! I HAVE A LIFE BACK ON EARTH, well at least some sort of life... he can't really be seriously thinking that I'm going to stay here... I mean he seems nice and all but I really want to go back.

"Well you can't. I chose you and once I have my mind set I usually follow through with what I have planned." He said sternly.

"Bu-" I began.

"No buts! Now come on I have some guests coming over later and I want you to look presentable, after all If your going to be here, might as well get yourself used to your surroundings and the people you'll be seeing." He said close to my face.

I just stood there, baffled and speechless.

"Now come on." He said giving my ass a tight squeeze causing me to yell out in shock.

"Don't do that!" I said angrily.

"I can do whatever I want. Here close your eyes, I promise I won't do anything." He said standing in front of me. I had an unsure expression on my face but did as he said anyways. "Okay now, I'm just going to teleport us back to my room since I don't feel like walking all the way back there, and I bet you don't either." and with that I felt him tighten his grip around my waist, It felt as if my skin was going to be ripped off, I felt all dizzy, and nauseated. Then it all stopped as Lucifer told me to open my eyes.

"Sorry about that but thats actually the first time I've ever teleported a mortal with me." he said sincerely.

"That's... fine..." I mumbled rubbing my arms.

"Come with me, I want you to help me pick out the outfit I want you to wear Bam." he said as he flicked his wrist again, the same door as earlier appeared before us and pulled me in with him.


COMMENT! yes I am full aware that I can be a comment whore, but if there's no more than 3 comments then no more story. And I do realize my spelling sux, even when I spell checked it on this thing I can't spell Teleport worth crap. Yes I know, sad.
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