My Little Angel

Nov 28, 2006 22:03

Title: My Little Angel
Author: sadeinightshade
Rating: G
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville has an unusual meeting.
Notes: Drabble (714 words). Don't EVEN ask me where this came from. o.O'

I remember when I was younger, I met someone in my room. Alright, maybe I didn’t exactly meet him. I had no idea who he was or why he was there, and he said nothing to me.

It was still dark when I woke, but I guess that doesn’t say too much, because it was winter. It’s always dark in the winter. But, it was early, only about four-thirty. My room felt different - cooler - but I swore I never cracked a window that night. Then, I felt the eyes on me. Had someone broken in? If that was the case, I felt as if I was doomed to robbery, but I was also curious, because there was no movement in my room. I could only do one thing and that was roll over. I did so slowly, with the air of someone who lost their comfortable spot and when I did, I cracked my eyes open and peered across the room in a half-light cast by the streetlights outside. It was shadowed, though. There was someone there, watching me…

…just watching me, never moving. It almost looked as if he was calculating how he might kill me, or what he might take, but then he shifted slightly, leaned forward so that his elbows rested on his knees and I could just see his soft, but intense blue gaze. I shivered briefly, opening my eyes wider. I’d never seen eyes like those before - like the blue of a fire, but like the most deeply frozen ice at the same time. It seemed to draw me in, so after a time, I sat up, and he continued to watch me. Then, I got to my feet and he straightened himself slightly. I started toward him after a while and he tilted his head, and I noticed several dark strands of unruly hair falling into his face - an angelic face, really. He was beautiful, and even then, I would have described him as just that.

I stopped just short of him and he didn’t move until I did, reaching out with my right hand to touch him, to see if he was real, and he met my hand with his own right, mimicking without quite mimicking. He finally stood then, still holding onto my hand, raising it above his head and mine so that our wrists pressed together at pulse point. I could feel our hearts beating together and he smiled at me - up at me - dazzled me. He was rather small, looked a little younger than me, but there was something about him. He seemed wise beyond both our years, like he’d tapped into something that I hadn’t been unable to and probably never would. He also seemed strong for someone so small, so young. He hadn’t quite shed his baby fat yet, so it gave him the look of the small, chubby, slow-running kid that everyone picked last in gym class, but underneath that, there seemed to be a sleek young man that would one day be able to run his way out of anything. His eyes shimmered up at me as if he’d read my thoughts, as if he were asking me if I really saw that for him. I couldn’t help but to smile and to nod. He was the one who held all the answers, yet he was looking to me as if I did instead.

After a while, he let our arms down again, let my hand go, and simply motioned me closer. I bent to his level and he leaned up to place a soft, chaste, almost shy kiss against my lips, but when the sensation was gone…so was he, leaving me with the memory and the open window that I hesitated to close. Then, I noticed something on the floor, not too large, not too small, about the size of my hand. I reached down to pick it up by its stem, if you could call it that, and then ran my fingers along it carefully. It was a feather, soft and white and warm. It was the softest thing that I had ever felt, really. I smiled, bringing it along my own cheek and sighing. At least I had something left of him…the little angel in my window.
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