Title: Memories Can Fade, but True Love Never Dies
Rating: for every age
Summary: looking back at that one true love
Extra: Just something I wrote for English because I had to use our vocab words and I thought of vam! :) Take it however you want it...
Though years have passed, there’s one thing that I can never seem to forget. And that one thing, is
I was heralded onto the patio as a multitude of people hurried by. I saw them race towards
the food and drinks, feeling a smile dancing on my lips. As the minutes ticked off many began to
pervade elsewhere. Crossing my arms, I casually walked to a small enclosure on the beach. Since
the sun had just set, the sky was a magnificent, royal blue. Looking out onto the cumbersome
waters I could feel myself glimpsing into the past. Envisioning you as you were, two months ago.
It’s not that I regret being put into a situation, that wasn’t the best place to proclaim my love. It’s
just that I regret not telling you earlier, so we could share our love longer and let it grow more
abundantly. Every night seems an uncharted journey. Like traveling down a dark, ominous
corridor that seems never ending. The twinkling stars teem with hope and I live for the day that I
can venture out and live once more. I wish I could move on. That I could just wipe it away, but I
can’t. I admit that I haven’t even tried to do it, really. I’m still in that transitional stage and it seems
that when I try to lessen the pain, a horde of fear results. The mass of this hurt is undeniable, but I
know I’ll get through. Even if it’s hard to get through a day without crying, I will do it. Everything
I look at resembles you and in some ways that gives me motivation. I know that as the years fly by,
the memories and sheer love we had for one another may grow dim, but I know for sure that I will
never forget you.