Vam Prompt 038- Midnight
Author: insane_pyro_grl AKA Jordan
Date Written: June 5th/ 11th 2006
Disclaimer: This never happened, but if it did... I would like to be there. All ideas come from ze warped brain of mine.
Notes: RHPS!Vam ... could it get any better?
The 100 Prompts of Doom. Vam Prompt 038- Midnight
“Bammie dear, would you come down already.” Ville called up the stairs
“I am not going out in public like this.” Bam yelled back
“Don’t be such a pussy red wings, we’re all in character too.” Said Dico
“Shut up Bran, you’re the creepy butler, who wears 1000% more than I am.”
“Would you come down sweetheart, I bet you look adorable. Plus if we don’t leave now, we’re going to miss the midnight showing.” Ville called again
“Fine.” Sighed Bam audibly
Bam came down the stairs in shimmering golden spankies and a pair of what seemed to be golden bowling shoes.
The others snickered a bit, the most audibly was Dunn.
“Shut it Random, at least I’m not wearing tighty whities.” Snapped Bam
“Oh Rocky!” Exclaimed Ville, getting into character
Bam groaned, this was not going to be his night.
For some reason, Ville had all talked them into going to a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at a small, old time movie theatre in Philly. Then he some how again convinced them to all dress in character. They’d all seen the movie, and thought it was good laughs, so what the hell. Bam thought they were all being hypnotized by Ville’s Finnish charm. The Finn in question had called being Dr. Franknfurter, and wouldn’t stop whining until Bam was his Rocky. Dunn became Brad, Dico: Riff Raff, they somehow convinced Rake to be Magenta, Raab: Columbia, and Novak: Janet. Even Jess decided to join in on the fun, playing the Criminologist.
“Come on Bam, if we don’t leave now, we’re not going to make it.” Said Ville
“ I am not driving the Hummer like this, my ass will stick to the seat.”
“I don’t care.”
“Does Dunn have the props?”
“Yes, I do.” Dunn replied
They headed out to the Blue H3 and piled in, it was a tight fit to say the least.
“I better not get pulled over looking like this.” Bam complained
“Oh shut up.” Replied Ville, popping a CD into the stereo system
“Oh God, not again.” Whined Bam when he heard the first few notes
Ville sang along, “Michael Ranney was ill the day the earth stood still…”
They arrived at the Philadelphia theatre some time later, but luckily still had time to go in and get seats before the show started.
They sat down in their seats, in the second row from the front, with Ville bouncing up and down in his seat.
“It’s gonna start soon!” He said, acting childish
“Dude, calm down, take a chill pill.” Said Dunn
“I think he just needs a cigarette.” Replied Bam
Soon the illuminated clock on the theatre’s wall showed midnight, and a giant pair of ruby red lips appeared on the screen. Ville sang along with every word of the opening, and was even told by people around them that he should join a band with such a beautiful voice. Bam gave a chuckle from their inane and facetious comments.
When the Janet on screen started to sing “Over at the Frankenstein’s Place” the group passes around newspapers to hold over their heads while others in the theatre shot people with squirt guns.
They all got up and did the Time Warp in the aisles, and then Dunn yelled out at the perfect time, “Does anybody know the Madison?” Ville got up and sang along solo with “Sweet Transvestite” and got raucous applause from the audience.
For the rest of the film, they just sat and watched the film, throwing props at the right time, and all in all having a great time. Novak got slapped by a few girls by asking them if they would like to “T-t-t-t-t-touch me, I wanna be dirty.”
By the time of the floor show, Ville had his head resting on Bam’s shoulder and gave a yawn from time to time. Bam wrapped his arm around Ville’s waist, kissed the top of his head, and told him, “Don’t fall asleep, I’m not carrying you to the Hummer.”
At the end, Ville drowsily sang along with the reprise. Afterwards, the boys all filed out of the theatre, and tried to find the Hummer.
“Hey Bammie, I hope that doesn’t happen to us.” Ville said
“You hope what won’t happen?” Asked Bam
“You know, what happened to Frank and Rocky.” Ville replied
“Don’t worry babe, I don’t think Bran’s gonna go psycho and shoot us with a laser gun after screwing Rake.” Bam said with a chuckle
“We can only hope not.” Replied Ville
And with that, the rest of the crew burst into hysterics before going into the Hummer and heading home.