FIC: Until You

Nov 30, 2005 16:45

VAM fic

Perhaps explains more than I would like about my mood.

Fic spilled out, not what I was writing but needed to come free....

Until you…


Long sleeves for preference, hoodie or sweater. Flannel shirt donned in the heat of a club. Coat and hat where others were treated for heat stroke. Performers stripped to skin, a stand out in the night.

Long trousers not shorts now, glad of the winter. An excuse to sleep in sweats rather than boxers or nude in the humidity. Refusing to strip, despite all their words.

Permanent etchings and designs in soft skin; black and grey patterns of love and betrayal. Sigils and charms to serve and protect. Imitated, copied, new and old. Shared, individual, forever together but pulled apart.

Thick and thin bands of metal on fingers and wrists. Show and conceal, display and hide. Throw them a bone and hide the gold. Fake a flip and land a twist.

Eyeliner smudges draw a veil over fatigue. Protective colouration to deflect the gaze. Mask of normality to cover the alterations, painted visage to conceal the truth.

Thin reddened lines on delicate skin. Hidden in clothing and pictures and attitude. Shadowed by bracelets and shielded by straps.

Devil may care is a lot to live up to. FINE as a motto and DILLIGAF as a mantra. Risk ever higher; personal and professional. Chancing it all on the scrape of an edge.

Hands in your pockets to grind into fresh cuts. Scores on your soles to brand every step. Delicate incisions of deliberate intent, scars of the past both accident and design.

Ritual behaviours to appease the wild beast. Keeping the routine for day after day. Ravening howling contained in the torso, screaming and wailing held inside the head.



Long white fingers that stroke oh so gently, soothing your twisting and twining of hands. Taking you to safety, hiding there with you, a barrier defence from inside and out.

He takes your defences, dismantles the barricade. Pulling the fabric from your hidden frame. Thin under clothing but bulky in layers, physical fortifications now taken away.

Taking the metal, the rings and the bangles; your last layer of armour, your carapace gone. He wraps you in his warmth, his long fragile limbs here, coiling over and around you, holding as much as he can.

Place your head on his shoulder, his kisses on your brow. Care and comfort that was missing so long. He touches the wounds gently, the old and the new scars, kissing and licking to take them to him.

Nothing is hidden here, no secrets permitted. This is the sanctuary, the sacrament of love. Caressing and caring when brought back together, building a bastion against separation to come.

Finally rest comes, sweet sleep so long missing. Ignoring the clatter that echoes in the house. Hands gently clasped in the midst of your embrace, words come out freely in this sacred space.

“Until you fill my scars….”

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