come on, didn;t you find it at least a little bit funny? and how can you not love tim curry, even in the craziest drag outfit ever? yay for guitars and power chords! p.s. does brendan have a lj? and does katie still read hers? we'll have to investigate..on sunday, cuz i dont ahve to go to rehersal tomorrow! i get to spend my day making money by babysitting at the beach in santa monica - score! have fun with mr. monotone.
lol. You know i'm just kidding. I actually thought about it last night, & found that it was completely hilarious. Maybe the second time around, I won't wince at every other scene. :)
I don't think brendan has an LJ... I recall him talking about how dumb it was. loser. haha. and I didn't even know Katie had one!
Boooo you. Have fun making money at the beach. I envy you.
Comments 2
p.s. does brendan have a lj? and does katie still read hers? we'll have to investigate..on sunday, cuz i dont ahve to go to rehersal tomorrow! i get to spend my day making money by babysitting at the beach in santa monica - score! have fun with mr. monotone.
You know i'm just kidding.
I actually thought about it last night,
& found that it was completely hilarious.
Maybe the second time around,
I won't wince at every other scene. :)
I don't think brendan has an LJ...
I recall him talking about how dumb it was. loser. haha.
and I didn't even know Katie had one!
Boooo you.
Have fun making money at the beach.
I envy you.
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