Instructions: Write one statement to each of 10 people on your LJ friends list. Never tell which one is for who.1) zosanzosanzosanzosanzosanzosanzosanzosanzosan
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To sum up the last two days: +school pictures +early release +Azzy's house +storing her trampoline +played dress-up +jedi battles +finally have the Darkness CD +and getting a shitload more, soon +bitched at for going in the school early +totally blew my French quiz +E/S is getting funner +slowly +I am a very happy person today
cutoutmylungs : You're too much of a pimp now to go gay. cutoutmylungs : But Justin.. cutoutmylungs : he still could have a chance SpikeShnizzle13 : That's right. SpikeShnizzle13 : I'll bang ALL of you! XDDDDDDD
I was staring at myself in the mirror today (because, I mean, I am effing hawt! XDD j/k) and I realized that I have a teeny weeny scar on my lower lip from that stoopid sunblister that I had like a month ago. ;-; Not very noticible, though. :3 Just thought I'd let you guys know.