soy bella

May 07, 2005 16:11

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Comments 10

eh....Undecided x_blender May 7 2005, 21:33:09 UTC
I don't really like how you supported your oppinions....but I'm not going to say just say no....

hmmm....What do you think about the death sentence?


Re: eh....Undecided mouth3 May 8 2005, 00:44:46 UTC
i am actually for and against this "hot topic". there are certain cases when the death penalty is good ie: charles manson (who wants to live)i feel in cases like this the ultimate punishemt is best. other cases however, it's disgusting that someone would even suggest it, for example the mentally challenged, it's the same as executing a child because s/he stole candy. not enough room in the prisons, c'mon, stop throwing people in jail for simple possession, problem solved... it has so many levels,it's hard to pick just one stance. (sorry if this seems like backing out of the question, or extremly vague.)


Sure, Why not. x_blender May 13 2005, 02:03:09 UTC
Hmmmm....I REALLY Hate how you supported your opinion on abortion and how you REALLY did not answer my question...completely.heh.

BUT....I'm going to say yes because apperantly you like Marilyn Monroe(picture below),I LOVE HER. Oh and I'm a nice person lol
+the big lebowski
+Bob dylan
+++++++Hair...and red lipstick. Looks great on you!
+Your very pretty and you seem artistic, I like it.

Dude your bella.


onstage May 7 2005, 22:02:02 UTC
Yes, cause I agree with you, you're pretty in a not conventional sort of way, and Damien Rice


sparksofjupiter May 8 2005, 00:17:56 UTC

love your hair btw!



MOD Vote sexy_n_sassy May 8 2005, 00:20:19 UTC
I have an idea of what my vote is...but could you please post one pic of your face, I can't see it that clearly. Please and thank you =)


mouth3 May 8 2005, 00:37:44 UTC

... )


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