Crack Drabble Meme

Dec 29, 2009 03:00

1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of thirty words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1. Creed Bratton (The Office)
2. Juliet Burke LaFleur :P <3 (LOST)
3. Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
4. Olivia Benson (Law and Order SVU)
5. Aaron Tyler (Wonderfalls)
6. Pam Beesly-Halpert (The Office)
7. Cigarette Smoking Man (The X-Files)
8. Cassidy Phillips (LOST)
9. Addison Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice)
10. James "Sawyer" Ford/Jim LaFleur (LOST)


4 and 6, First Time (Olivia/Pam)

Pam comes, cries out: “Jim!”

Liv doesn’t mind; behind closed eyes, she sees only Elliot.

7, Angst (CSM)

He doesn’t cry for Jeffrey; he is Abraham, and he follows a higher power when he sacrifices his son.

Instead, he cries for Fox, the son who lives.

1 and 8, AU (Creed and Cassidy)

Creed tries to set his daughter up with the lanky salesman (Joe? Jeff?) but she falls instead for a man who abandons her.

Just like her own daddy did.

3, 6, and 9, Threesome (Olive/Pam/Addison)

Olive brings a three-berry pie into bed. She and Pam use Addison as a plate.

“Berry is my favorite,” Pam sighs.

Olive giggles, her face sticky with Pie and Addison.

5 and 10, Hurt/Comfort (Aaron/James)

“I want to hear them speak…just once.”

James kisses Aaron to shut him up. He thinks, “I wish I could hear her voice again…even once.”

1, Crack (Creed)

“I made love to many, many women…it’s possible that a man slipped in. There’d be no way of knowing...”

Creed strokes his growing belly.

Now he knows.

10, Horror (James)

Again, he wakes up screaming.

This time, it isn’t his mother’s blood pooling beneath his bare feet. It’s Juliet’s.

5 and 9, Baby Fic (Aaron/Addison)

“I’m pregnant.”

“Pass the cow creamer, please.”

“Did you hear me?”

Aaron smiles, because all he hears is, “Hello my honey, hello my darling…”

2 and 8, Dark (Juliet & Cassidy)

Afterward, they lie at opposite ends of the bed, facing away from each other.

In the dark, both imagine there’s a third person between them in the cold space between.

2 and 3, Death Fic (Juliet/Olive)

“I was dead.”

Olive presses her lips to Juliet’s forehead. She smells like rhubarb pie.

“You’re not anymore. I cashed in a favor.”

meme, fic

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