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Comments 124

ohmaiden January 11 2011, 04:36:54 UTC
Iphigenia's had another one of her nightmares, and so she's downstairs in the kitchen as well, sipping on some tea (oh, how the elves have rubbed off on her). When she sees Titus, she'll smile at him tiredly and nod.

"What are you doing up?" she asks. "Come here and sit by me. You look like you need company." She stifles a yawn. "I'm tired, but I can't sleep." She doesn't mention the dreams, and won't unless he asks.


77th_earl January 11 2011, 04:40:19 UTC
He's a bit bleary-eyed himself, but he manages a small smile as he spies her and joins her at the table. "I hope that I did not disturb you: I've had a hard time sleeping tonight and so I came down to find something to refresh myself," he says.


ohmaiden January 11 2011, 12:12:17 UTC
She shakes her head. "It's quite all right. If I may ask, what's the matter?"


77th_earl January 11 2011, 19:33:09 UTC
He manages a small smile. "It might be easier to ask me what isn't the matter with me. I've had a rather unsettling time during the past few days.

"It started when I found a shelf of...books, with rather racy stories and poems in a discreet corner of the library," he says. "I got myself rather distracted by them, and I did not realize that someone was watching me, much less that the contents had...warmed my flesh, noticeably." He blushes and looks away as he admits to this.


umpteenthdream January 12 2011, 03:10:01 UTC
Helen goes back and forth between being an evening and a morning person, and this is one of the nights when she's awake - in fact, she might wander to the kitchen for a cup of herbal tea, in between breaks.

The alchemy she's been studying is fascinating, but grueling, and she's been wanting to surprise Alphonse with something new, so her efforts have redoubled.

When she spots Titus, she pauses in the doorway.

"Good evening, Titus." Her voice is gentle and soothing as ever.


77th_earl January 12 2011, 03:19:02 UTC
He's found a bottle of milk and is pouring some into a pan, preparatory to heating it on the stove. "Good evening, Helen," he says, looking up. "Are you having trouble sleeping as I am?"


umpteenthdream January 12 2011, 04:51:40 UTC
"My mind is simply overly active," she replies calmly, soothingly. "It's nothing to be worried about." Helen wanders over to the counter, and puts the kettle on. "I would be glad to listen, if you wanted to speak, however."


77th_earl January 12 2011, 05:18:04 UTC
At least he isn't alone, but he'd be the first to admit that his mind doesn't move as rapidly or as much as hers. "I'm not sure where to begin: I've had a few odd things occur to me the past few days, but perhaps the strangest is that I have found that I may have a natural brother."


pinkduelist January 12 2011, 05:50:55 UTC
Here's your friend Titus. Utena has a worried look on her face. Her friend shouldn't worry like this.

"Hey Titus... whats wrong?"


77th_earl January 12 2011, 06:27:46 UTC
He's rummaging through a cupboard, looking for a package of biscuits, but hearing her voice, he pauses, looking up at her. "Oh, Utena, are you having trouble sleeping as well? I'd just gotten up to find some milk and biscuits... would you care for some?"


pinkduelist January 24 2011, 21:50:14 UTC
"Sure, I wouldn't mind..." She looks at Titus for a while. "Is something wrong?"


77th_earl January 24 2011, 21:53:13 UTC
He gets right to the point: no sense in keeping anything from his friend and protector. "I made a rather shocking discovery this afternoon," he says. "I have found that my worst enemy might also be my natural brother." He pauses, letting that sink in.


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