EvolveFISH Bumper Sticker Contest

Jan 31, 2006 01:12

I just found out last night that EvolveFISH is holding a design contest for T-shirts, bumper stickers and posters. Well, I've dabbled in making left-wing bumper stickers for some time now; I couldn't possibly resist sending in some of my stuff. The trick is to figure out what might be well received by the general (liberal) populace.

First, I dusted off an old classic (click on the pic for the full-sized version):

I redid the design in Canvas (a combination poor-man's Illustrator and poor-man's Photoshop) so that I could tinker with the character spacing (kerning) of the text. The difference is subtle, but the new version looks significantly better. To my astonishment, I discovered that Canvas does a far better job of converting designs to common picture formats than PowerPoint, as well.

Second, I implemented a design that's been floating around in the basement of my conscious mind for some time now. In the "No Cow Is Too Sacred" division, we have:

I've no idea how stiff the competition will be. The EvolveFISH staff will perform the first round of judging; finalists will be announced next week (ca. Feb 8).

bumper_stickers, politics

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