Your entry has won a fabulous Sweet Valley High tote bag (courtesy of RandomHouse). Please shoot me an email, bintwin at yahoo, with the address you would like the bag to be shipped to.
Also, please note that it is your responsibility to pay for shipping of the bag. I do not expect this to be a great expense, but if you are unable to pay for the shipping of the bag, please let me know so we can give it to the next highest scorer. Once the bags are safely mailed, I will let you know how much shipping costs and you can either send me the difference via paypal (same address as above) or snail mail a check to the return address on the package.
For a list of all winners, please see the post on the front page of 1bruce1. Great job, all! Thanks for playing.
Comments 2
No, it takes several trips to therapy to get the Sweet Valley out of your heart!
Your entry has won a fabulous Sweet Valley High tote bag (courtesy of RandomHouse). Please shoot me an email, bintwin at yahoo, with the address you would like the bag to be shipped to.
Also, please note that it is your responsibility to pay for shipping of the bag. I do not expect this to be a great expense, but if you are unable to pay for the shipping of the bag, please let me know so we can give it to the next highest scorer. Once the bags are safely mailed, I will let you know how much shipping costs and you can either send me the difference via paypal (same address as above) or snail mail a check to the return address on the package.
For a list of all winners, please see the post on the front page of 1bruce1. Great job, all! Thanks for playing.
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