Look, Mom, no apnea!

Apr 23, 2008 16:17

Ignore that last post, if you will, because it seems that Tek's healthy again, and Dusty Brown isn't the one coming up tonight. No, that'd be Craig Hansen, who's posted stellar numbers in Pawtucket so far this season. It seems he's worked out the kinks.

Check this out - four of the top five draft picks in the Class of '05 are currently with the big ( Read more... )

baseball: minor league news, baseball: craig hansen, baseball: sox prospects, baseball: prospect awareness

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Comments 14

piney61 April 23 2008, 20:52:24 UTC
Aww man :( I feel bad for Dusty Brown now...poor kid thinks he's got a chance to shine but nooooo. Yes I know Hansen has done well in AAA but still. Poor guy.


1863_project April 23 2008, 20:54:49 UTC
Yeah, me too - I was really excited for him! It was finally his time...and he gets pushed aside again. As excited as I am for Craig, I can't help but be a little disappointed...

Hansen'll be a good boost for the pen for a little bit, though. (I'm tempted to blast MmmBop out the window - I have it on an old NOW CD and I set Craig as the album artwork because I'm lame...)


piney61 April 23 2008, 20:59:03 UTC
I'm kinda happy Hansen is called up as well because he went through a lot of crap. I've never been a huge fan of his(I dunno why, it's just...I dunno) but I believe that everybody should get a second chance and I'm glad he is getting one.

But I shouldn't be too sad because well for one thing Dusty probably had knowledge beforehand that he may or may not be called up and also for another thing he'll likely be called up in September anyway


1863_project April 23 2008, 21:10:48 UTC
He was definitely rushed in his first stint...and then there was the apnea, too. I mean, I've heard things about his personality, supposedly, but given all those hard times he's earned his way back up.

Dusty is definitely up in September. We've got him on the 40-man right now, so I wouldn't be surprised...and I'll be very excited and run up to Boston to propose to his arm. Divorcing the arm to marry Jed is a viable option, however.


horsecrazyliza April 24 2008, 18:56:15 UTC
Noo! I have softball practice on June 5!

Cue the melodrama, people.


1863_project April 25 2008, 04:00:08 UTC
I'm hoping I'll be there for it - I'm going to get a summer job, and I'm just clinging to the hope that the draft doesn't go down during my shift! I want to live-blog it or something!

...I am growing more pathetic by the day.


horsecrazyliza April 25 2008, 04:04:40 UTC
Are you kidding? I'll be live-blogging right there with you.

...that is, if, by some miracle, it rains and the field is muddy or something. Why couldn't they schedule the draft for a Saturday or something? Why does it have to be a Thursday!?


1863_project April 25 2008, 04:23:18 UTC
I really want to see which Pac-10 kids go where, because they're my college priorities...and I'd love to see the Sox pick some of them up, because that would make me really happy. I mean, that conference works for us.

I wish the draft was on a Saturday! The NFL draft is on a Saturday - why is the MLB one on a Thursday? That's ridiculous! Granted, these kids go into the Minors whilst the NFL picks tend to contribute immediately, but...yeah. It's still not fair.


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