
Jan 27, 2010 22:50

We watched Gone With the Wind in my Women and the Civil War class today. I took the opportunity to pour out several handwritten pages of Londinium. I have not forsaken you, Basil and Dustin! I promise you two lovely boys that the story of your social stratum-defying friendship shall be told!

There is another perk to that class besides watching a ( Read more... )

books: sharpe, londinium, history: civil war, school

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Comments 3

useyourlove January 28 2010, 12:05:01 UTC
Gone With the Wind is amazing. They're playing it on the big screen here in two weeks. I am super excited. But I'm Southern and a huge classic film geek.


1863_project January 28 2010, 17:54:35 UTC
It's such a classy movie! I've watched it in at least two Civil War Era Studies classes now and it's just so sophisticated and glamorous. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing it...

Giant screen? JEALOUS.


(The comment has been removed)

1863_project January 28 2010, 17:57:34 UTC
I think he should know the answer to that question already, ne? And I haven't read/watched Sharpe in ages...I need to do that, like, NOW. My brother and I still sit and make fun of Gold the movie on a regular basis.

Seriously? I love it! (I see nothing wrong with being able to recognize those people. I mean...my college roomie and I watch Vh1 on a fairly regular basis, so...)


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