Thanks to everyone that came up with such great ideas! Oh btw, can anyone come up with a better name than Snackfest? *would welcome it*
Rules for claiming:
** First come, first serve on the claims. You must be a member of
12am_nosh to participate in the fest.
** Each prompt can be claimed twice (once for fic and once for art). I will put a red asterisk next to the number to indicate a claim, plus edit in who claimed the prompt, specifying fic or art. Once a prompt has been claimed twice (once for fic and once for art), I'll strike through it to mark it as no longer available.
** Claims can continue until Wednesday, February 28th or until all the prompts have been spoken for. I know that's a long time, but I don't see any reason to cut it off. We have very few members and it may take some people a while to decide to jump in. Plus, if we get new members, it'd be nice if they could participate too.
** Post your finished fic or art anytime during the month of March.
** Any questions, fire away in comments or email me
*1. We'll share the shelter, of my single bed - from "Is This Love" by Bob Marley - submitted by
iheartbowie claimed for art by
hill_ 2. AU: as we'll be forced to keep Sirius alive somehow (or returned from the veil blah blah.) Snape decides that he needs a change. A life altering change, your choice. - submitted by
iheartbowie 3. AU: What would life have been like if Black and Snape had been muggles? What kind of adult lives would they have lived? How would they meet? - submitted by
iheartbowie *4. AU: Snape and Sirius Raising Harry (hehe...there's a whole community about Sirius and Remus doing it so why not?)- submitted by
iheartbowie claimed for art by
karasu_hime 5. I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste, a flannel for my face, Pajamas, a hairbrush, new shoes and a case.. I said to my reflection let's get out of this place - Squeeze - "Tempted" - submitted by
iheartbowie 6. "The passion put to use in my old griefs" - (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) - submitted by
trobadora **7. Canon (mostly) to the middle of the OOP year, AU after that. While living at 12 Grimmauld, Something happens that makes Sirius's loyalties suddenly change toward Severus (I.e seeing convincing evidence that he really is on the side of the light, or witnessing some of what he's going through for the Order, or whatever). Along with this change of mind, Sirius's obsessive 'Snivellus'-hate turns into grudging admiration, then obsessive attraction, then lurve. (lurve must not be shmoopy). Prefer a gay!Sirius & a bi!Snape.
Essential: Sirius surviving the OOP year, needing to do a lot of convincing to get Severus interested in him, Severus (eventually) getting lurve for Sirius, lots of prickliness, bickering, snark & proud-guy tensions between them even if/when the relationship is established, if the story spills into the HBP year & beyond try to keep that as close to Canon (apart from the SS/SB) as you can, & all other side relationships staying Canon.
Bonus: Angry scenes between a feeling betrayed!Harry & Sirius when Harry finds out about him & Severus, Sirius in denial about his sexuality until falling for Severus, hot, rushed & furtive man!sex, little power games between them (with neither winning all the time) - submitted by
electromoon claimed for fic by
eeyore9990 and art by
sh4rds (Collab)
8. Canon to POA year, as AU as appropriate beyond. When Remus Transformed outside the Shrieking Shack in POA, he bit Severus before running into the forest. Dumbledore finds out the extent of the Marauder's bullying along with Sirius's Animagus ability. To make up for that, he then orders Sirius to keep Severus company during his Transformations as he once did for Remus with Wormtail & Prongs. Take things as you want from there (no noncon please, prefer to keep it light on the Best as well)
Essential: Dumbledore does not intend Sirius & Severus to get together.
Bonus: A comic relief territory-marking scene, where Wolf!Severus escapes & then starts marking everywhere, and to keep him occupied (and people safe) Padfoot must follow along after to mark over the top of where he's been, and then Moony goes over the top of that etc etc until it all gets silly (if you own more than one dog, I think you'll know the dog behaviour that I'm on about) - submitted by
electromoon 9. Sirius could not break out of prison during the POA year, it's now after the HBP year, and Severus has been caught & is also in Azkaban. Take it from there ... - submitted by
electromoon 10. A story/comic for the scene in my gift art for hill_ , "Coming up to meet you": - submitted by
electromoon *11. Post HBP - Severus on the run from both the law (as a murderer) and Voldemort (as a traitor). Sirius, watching from the afterlife, realises what side Severus is really on. He tries every way he can to make contact with him so as to help him help Harry, as well as make up for the past, as well as other reasons...
Essential: Sirius is a departed soul, not a Ghost - so he will only be able to possess things, appear as a Shade under the right circumstances, maybe make contact through dreams or haunting Pensieve memories etc. No sappy OoC!Black (even if he knows he was wrong), or a Snape that's too willing to forgive.
Eventual Dream!sex and/or Pensieve-Memory!sex bonus but not essential, bonus (but not essential) as well if, for some reason, the only living person Sirius can directly contact is Snape, and/or if you can include a scene where Snape (grudgingly) allows Black to possess him so that he can speak directly to a (skeptical) Harry. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for fic by
wickedswanz 12. Severitus-style, starting from OoP year. Severus is Harry's father (from a secret goodbye-quickie with Lily after she was married), and he doesn't know it. Sirius does know, because Lily confided in him when a paternity spell revealed the baby wasn't James's, and he helped her charm the unborn!Harry so that he would have James's features until he came of age. He decides, against Dumbledore's wishes, that Harry - and Severus - will know the truth now, and tells it in a way that puts everyone in jeopardy from Voldemort. How will he try & fix up the mess? Will the Order let him? Work in the Snack however you want.
- submitted by
electromoon 13. Post-war. Dead!Sirius manages to find his way into the paintings of Hogwarts so as to keep watch over Harry and his new family. He is horrified to find Snape as the new Headmaster, and plans a way to haunt him, Peeves-style (by Possessing objects etc). Somehow, this develops into a "Ghost & Mrs Muir" - type relationship, only getting much more intimate.
- submitted by
electromoon 14. Sirus comes down with a serious dog ailment while in Animagus form, and it affects him in his human form. He has to resume Animagus form to be treated if he is to recover. It's up to Severus to be his 'vet', whether he likes it or not.- submitted by
electromoon **15. SS/SB, AU (western), as cowboys (BBM 1960's, or Wild West 1800's-1900's). Bonus if you get them caught up in a gunfight or stampede. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for art by
tripperfunster, and fic by
i_have_horns 16. SS/SB, AU (1960's), as beatnik artists. - submitted by
electromoon **17. SS/SB, AU (any era 1960's & after), as Trailer Trash. A backdrop of dead cars or car bits essential. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for art by
supes_, and fic by
jedipirate and
i_have_horns (collab)
*18. SS/SB, AU (1980's), as bar & gig-hopping groupies following an 80's band (real or ficticious, any genre as long as it's not middle-of-the-road). Bonus if theyre living in a seedy squat in/near somewhere like Kreuzberg, Berlin (as locals or foreigners, either ok). Bonus also if nasty, unglamorous junkie lifestyle included. - submitted by
electromoonclaimed for art by
a_belladonna 19. Severus is killed shortly after fleeing Hogwarts after HBP. In the afterlife, he (reluctantly) joins forces with Sirius, who has been desperately trying to get in touch with Harry - who has gone down a dangerously wrong path re' his mission. Severus must help find a way to communicate with the living. Work in the Snack as you want.
Bonus (but not essential): In the afterlife, nobody can lie to themselves or anyone else about their true feelings. - submitted by
electromoon *20. SS/SB, AU, as Caribbean Pirates. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for art by
meiko_chan *21. SS/SB, cross-dressing!sex (both in drag), Voyeur!Remus a bonus. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for art by
a_belladonna *22. SS/SB, Post-War AU (wizarding), Severus as St Mungo's Healer, Sirius as mind-injured patient. Bonus (but not essential) if he became deranged from being pulled or blasted out of the Veil after going part-way into it. - submitted by
electromoon claimed for fic by
ember_alda 23. Snack mud-wrestling. Uncertain whether they are just mucking around, about to start brawling, or leading up to sex... - submitted by
electromoon *24. Teh obligatory mpreg bunny. The Severus-Sirius standoff at the beginning of OoP gets out of hand before Dumbledore can arrive in time to stop it. Sirius accuses Severus of being 'weak like a girl', & then tries to hex him in front of Harry. For some reason Severus fails to completely block the curse, leaving Sirius gay & him a hermaphrodite. Work in the Snack & mpreg as you like (Essential that both Sirius & Severus be het before the hex, and that the mpreg happens in spite of Severus's best efforts to prevent it). Keep the fluff to a minimum, please. Lots of snark, tensions & arguments a plus!
(Bonus but not essential if Severus still has to do Occlemency lessons with Harry, who gets very squeamish when he recieves flashes of Severus's man!sex & preg memories)
- submitted by
electromoonclaimed for fic by
summerborn 25. After the war, Severus finds Sirius's motorbike running wild in the Forbidden Forest. He captures it, and finds out that it has been Possessed by Sirius (not as a Horcrux). Think of the film Vroom Vroom Vroom, if you've seen it: - submitted by
electromoon 26. Many years Post-war, Severus & Hermione have been having a lukewarm, on-again/off-again affair. Hermione suspects (with very good reason) that Severus has a repressed & unresolved boyhood crush on Sirius (that got badly messed-up & mixed-up from the Marauder bullying, Worst memory & Whomping Willow incidents etc). She gives him a choice, and lends him her Timeturner. (no OoC or possessive/jilted!Hermione, please)
- submitted by
electromoon 27. Sirius gets stuck during one of his Animagus transformations, leaving him with his normal human head & a dog's body. Because he's in hiding, he can't go to St. Mungo's to have the problem fixed. Work in the Snack as you like.
- submitted by
electromoon 28. AU, Severus & Sirius gradually & secretly get it on during the OoP year. Harry receives flashes of their memories together during Occlemency lessons, and Voldemort is able to learn of their affair when he next possesses Harry. What happens next, and how does that affect the outcome of the Battle of Mysteries? - submitted by
electromoon 29. Severus Snape And the Prisoner of Azkaban - submitted by
arachnethe2 30. In the darkness every cat is Black - submitted by
arachnethe2 31. The Eighth Colour of the Rainbow (Black) - submitted by
arachnethe2 32. Potion Apprentice Wanted - submitted by
arachnethe2 33. A pair of perfect Manolos - submitted by
arachnethe2 34. Being tied up is my squick and his kink - submitted by
arachnethe2 35. Harry, Remus, there is something I have to tell you... - submitted by
arachnethe2 36. Shopping for new, male! underwear - submitted by
arachnethe2 *37. On the run, being tied with a single pair of manacles - submitted by
arachnethe2claimed for fic by
norbert02 *38. Marauder's Era: After the Prank, the parents are called to Hogwarts for a meeting. Sirius is upset to discover his mother approves of his actions. - submitted by
nimori claimed for fic by
klynie1 39. AU: At the end of GoF, Remus is off doing... stuff. Dumbledore sends Sirius to 'lie low at Snape's'. - submitted by
nimori 40. AU: Sirius really was the Potters' secret keeper -- and the DE's caught him. Torture isn't working, so Voldemort assigns Snape to persuade Sirius to tell. - submitted by
nimori 41. OotP: Sirius is addicted to a potion, and Snape is happy to provide it. For a price. - submitted by
nimori 42. Crackfic! The Half-Blood Prince's book is as sentient as Tom Riddle's diary. Harry stores it in his trunk -- right next to the Marauder's Map. Book!Snape/Map!Sirius, with observations from the peanut gallery other Map!Marauders. - submitted by
nimori 43. Sirius discovers Harry with Snape. Meltdown ensues... not because of any godfatherly concern, but because Sirius has been nursing a cleverly concealed crush on Snape for years.
- submitted by
nimori 44. AU: Lupin fell through the veil, not Sirius. Sirius blames Snape. Include SuddenlyResponsible!Harry trying to make peace. - submitted by
nimori *45. To Snape's supreme embarrassment, his patronus has changed to look just like Padfoot. - submitted by
nimori claimed for art by
ebonyserpent 46. AU: Sirius refuses to hand over Harry to Hagrid at Godric's Hollow. Peter is revealed as the traitor and sent to Azkaban, but the DEs who are still free go after Harry. Dumbledore assigns Snape to help Sirius protect him. - submitted by
nimori 47. Sirius had the locket on him when he fell through the veil. Since Harry can't defeat Voldemort without it, Snape asks Voldemort to bring Sirius back so Snape can take a more personal revenge. Voldemort agrees, and Snape destroys the locket... but is left with Sirius, whom he is now expected to physically torture. Sirius would prefer not to lose any body parts and proposes a more palatable arrangement: until Snape can smuggle him out, he'll be Snape's sex slave. - submitted by
nimori 48. OotP: Harry discovers Snape and Sirius have an ongoing hate/hate sexual relationship. His reaction surprises everyone. - submitted by
nimori *49. Snape joins the DEs in order to impress Regulus's family. - submitted by
nimori claimed for fic by
pokeh *50. AU: After the prank, there's only thing stopping Snape from telling Lupin's secret to the whole school: Snape is part vampire himself. Part of Sirius's punishment is to feed him whenever he needs it. - submitted by
nimori claimed for art by
ariadneelda 51. During the first war, Snape develops an obsession with muggle motorcycles. - submitted by
nimori 52. Marauders Era AU: Snape will do anything to make Regulus his, including using the Dark Arts to force the Black family to betroth/bond/enslave their son to him. Unfortunately, the spell doesn't specify which son, and the Blacks decide to cut their losses with Sirius. - submitted by
nimori 53. AU: Snape and Sirius are sorted into the same house -- your choice which, but bonus if it's not Slytherin or Gryffindor. - submitted by
nimori 54. During occlumency lessons, Harry discovers that even though Snape hates Sirius and doesn't trust him, Snape has been in love with him since they were kids. Harry assumes Sirius knows this, but he's wrong. - submitted by
nimori 55. AU: Sirius is freed some time during Harry's first or second year. He takes over raising Harry -- and he's not impressed with Harry's Potions professor. Snape must either leave Harry alone or endure endless parent-teacher conferences from hell. And leaving Harry alone is not an option. *g* - submitted by
nimori 56. The last winter of Regulus Black. It would be a bonus if the fic would also have the feel of winter: cold, bleak, white. - submitted by
noorie 57. Why Dumbledore trusts Snape. - submitted by
noorie *58. "It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss..." - submitted by
noorieclaimed for art by
blue_cage 59. Severus and Regulus both have issues with Sirius making their lives hell. They join forces and give him back some of his own medicine. Humor would be a bonus. Just think of all the pranks and hexes! Kissing in the broom shed also a bonus. - submitted by
noorie 60. Regulus wants out. Snape makes a choice, and lives to regret it. - submitted by
noorie 61. Something with the extended Black family? Snape showing perfect manners, taking care to present himself well, because he doesn't want to embarrass Regulus. Or even just Mrs. Black, fawning over Regulus and inviting Severus for tea at the Black house all the time, to discuss how wonderful her son is and what great prospects he has. Optional 1: Mrs. Black horrified to find that they're more than just friends (could be the gay thing, could be the half-blood thing). Optional 2: Mrs. Black is delighted that Regulus is making nice with someone so properly Slytherin, thinks it may help Regulus advance in the ranks of the Death Eaters. Bonus: They are just friends to start with, but Mrs. Black practically pushes them into each other's arms. - submitted by
noorie 62. Snape can't stand to be near Regulus because he reminds him too much of Sirius. - submitted by
noorie 63. Snape really needs access to Grandfather Black's library. What would he do to gain it?
- submitted by
noorie 64. Sirius (who I see as very hairy) becomes a metrosexual and shaves/waxes off all his chest/leg/arm hair. - submitted by
hill_ *65. Marauder Era - Severus/Sirius' first time, supergraphic please! No hatesex. - submitted by
hill_ claimed for fic by
nehalenia 66. During the infamous greying underpants scene, Snape's undies come off. Sirius likes what he sees and plots to see more. - submitted by
hill_ 67. Sirius teaches Snape how to become an Animagus. When Snape finally transforms, he's a small, yappy Pomeranian. - submitted by
hill_ 68. Severus owes Sirius a life debt. What are the circumstances leading up to it and how does he have to repay it? - submitted by
hill_ **69. Marauder Era: Library sex, greenhouse sex, or sex in the Divinations classroom ^__^ - submitted by
hill_ claimed for art by
isildurs_babe and claimed for fic by
mewling *70. Werewolf AU - James is just a little bit too late pulling Snape out of the Shrieking Shack, and Snape gets bitten. Sirius has to deal with the consequences. - submitted by
trobadora claimed for art by
electromoon **71. Severus is courting Sirius in accord to the ancient rules of the House of Black. A bonus, if Severus does it freewilling. - submitted by
arachnethe2 claimed for fic by
lush_mirror and art by
matyas_adina (collab)
*72. Severus adopts an old, ugly dog from a Muggle shelter. - submitted by
arachnethe2 claimed for art by
nimori *73. Go for the classic: Fuck or die scenario. - submitted by
arachnethe2claimed for fic by
lufia_vs_erim 74. Years after the war Severus is working in the re-opened Mill, like his father once did. One day there is a new worker in his favourite pub. Not AU. :) - submitted by
arachnethe2 75. Pairing switch: write a story which starts as Snape/Harry and Remus/Sirius and ends as Snape/Black and Remus/Harry. - submitted by
arachnethe2 76. The nightmare of a blind date and the following consequences. - submitted by
arachnethe2 *77. Through Bellatrix's evil curse, Severus and/or Sirius are turned into unicorns. Is there any hope for the lovers being re-united in their human form? claimed for fic by
nehalenia Bonus: if Sirius!unicorn still changes into Padfoot, if there is some hot unicorn sex, if the story is featuring Firenze as well. Ok you perverts: bonus for unicorn/Centaur/unicorn as well. - submitted by
arachnethe2 78. Severus and Sirius are both closet otaku (rabid anime fan). They bump into each other at an anime convention, in costume. Bonus if they cosplay as Saitou/Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin or Walter/Alucard from Hellsing. Fangirls ask them repeatedly to pose for pictures, usually with fanservice (kissing). Hot cosplay sex ensues. Not neccesarily AU. Extra points if at least one of them collects plushies/buttons/charms or some such thing. - submitted by
lychee1968 *79. Sirius works as Charon after he fell through the veil. One day it's Snape's time to cross the river. Can be drama or comedy, concentrate on S/S or include other Sirius's friends. - submitted by
painless_j claimed for art by
electromoon *80. After Voldemort is dead, Sirius comes back to life, only ironically, death changed his Animagus form. A cat with dog's habits, a bird that barks, or anything else humorous. Snape has to brew a potion to suppress the unwelcome symptoms. - submitted by
painless_j claimed for art by
hill_ *81. Snape has been in love with Black all the time but never revealed it. After Black dies, Snape spends a year devising a plan how to bring him back (cue some very complicated magic). The ritual is set in motion, but a month before its completion, Snape is killed. The magic works nevertheless, and Black is back. Now it falls to him to understand why, investigate and decide what to do with this knowledge. - submitted by
painless_j claimed for fic by
summerborn and
chibitoaster (collab)
82. Student/teacher AU. Snape is teaching at Hogwarts, Sirius is taking the class. The interaction between them is obviously going to be different because of the different ages, but try to keep the animosity intact - at least throughout most of the story (isn't that why we love them, anyway?).
Sirius must be at least 15. Snarky banter is a must; smut is optional but very much preferred. A lack of Harry is also preferred (so he doesn't steal the spotlight), but if he's there... just try to keep his role minor. So no, say, having him be Sirius's best friend, or Snape's least favorite student instead of Sirius.
Whether this is present canon time or the 70's (or any other time period you choose) is up to you. Bonus points for Lupin being a teacher at Hogwarts at the same time and involving him in the story somehow - but no threesomes/voyeurism. - submitted by
supes_ *83. Same prompt as above, but Sirius is the teacher (Transfiguration or Defense... or anything else you think is appropriate) and Snape is the student. All other aspects of prompt #82 remain the same, so no Harry (or if he's there, keep his role minimal) and bonus points for adult!Lupin. - submitted by
supes_ claimed for fic by
iheartbowie *84. Teenage!Snape/Black with bondage and non-con and/or dub-con. One of the boys takes advantage of the other... but the other gets his revenge later by turning the tables. Bonus for tie!kink in any way, shape, or form; also, if one of the boys is primarily straight and has never had a gay encounter until now.
Must NOT include: cutting/blood-play (although something minor like a split lip is ok), heavy BDSM, the cliché Prank ending (hate that!). Also, even if you go for all-out non-con, it must be physically enjoyable - for the most part, at least - for both parties in both situations.
- submitted by
supes_ claimed for fic by
envinyatar15 *85. Sirius and James (and possibly Remus and/or Peter) go to a muggle club - either a gay bar, or a themed club like goth, glam, cross-dressing... or some combination thereof. They've never been to this sort of place before, and can be there either seriously or as a joke. Now, who should they run into, but Snivellus Snape - who clearly has been here before.
Must have Snape in full club attire, whatever that may be; bonus points if the Marauders at least make an effort to dress appropriately, but may fall somewhat short by comparison. Also, bonus for: seedy, grungy bathroom and/or back alley hate!sex; making out (on Snape's initiative) on or near the dance-floor, or somewhere else that James or the others might see.
Must not have James and/or the others aware the whole time of Sirius hooking up with Snape; but feel free to have them get caught if you want.- submitted by
supes_ claimed for fic by
jedipirate 86. The reverse of a cliché - Snape/Harry morphing into Snape/Black. Canon up to at least GoF (OotP optional), but with Sirius staying alive and AU after that. Harry and Snape have a relationship (this can be either school-aged or adult Harry, but no older than 25 or so), then Harry is killed in the War; in the end, Snape winds up with Sirius.
Must be long and plotty (at least 9000 words preferred); smut welcome but not required. Should preferably include a substantial Snape/Harry part, during which there is much resentment and angry disapproval from Sirius, based on protectiveness and feelings of betrayal rather than on jealousy. However, there should also be a good amount of hostile UST between Snape and Sirius, even if Snape is in love/fully committed to Harry (whether or not he is is up to you).
After Harry's death, Sirius should continue to resent Snape for the relationship and refuse to acknowlegde its validity (though he may cave with time); Snape must not be quick to forgive and embrace Sirius either, especially as someone with whom he must share his grief.
Must not include Snape cheating with Sirius while Harry is alive (though minor things like kissing are fine). Harry may suspect but must not know for sure of Snape's attraction to/feelings for Sirius, and may not openly confront him about it.
- submitted by
supes_ 87. Post-Hogwarts/Pre-Azkaban AU. Sirius, thought a likely Death Eater by many, is sent in to pose as a new recruit, just as Snape is discovered by Voldemort as a traitor. Before his execution, he must be punished - and Sirius must prove his Death Eater loyalty by delivering said punishment.
Sirius may be aware of Snape's loyalty to Dumbledore beforehand (in fact, feel free to have this be a rescue mission if you wish) or he may be learning of it for the first time, but he must (eventually) believe that Snape is one of the good guys and not actually want to see him hurt, as much as he might still hate him. No cutting/blood-play or heavy injury, no character death, and happy ending preferred - submitted by
supes_ 88. Muggle AU. Sirius and Snape are gay roommates in their 20's-30's, but they're not a couple; in fact, they hate each other. One drunken night changes all that.
Their styles/behavior/personalities should be vastly different and clashing, pretty much the way they are canonically. Try to keep them as in character as possible within the confines of the AU, though feel free to play up the gay personality traits which we may not see in canon. (To that effect, please don't have them automatically become a happy couple after one night together, as that would be out of character.)
Bonus points if: one of the things Snape hates most about Sirius is all the one-night-stands he constantly brings home (think Brian Kinney, if you've ever watched Queer as Folk: US). Also, if: Snape is a lot more conservative (i.e. less open) about his homosexuality and has friends and/or family to whom he has not come out, which irritates Sirius, who sees it as cowardice/a sign of being ashamed.
Extra bonus points if you make this into an all-out 'romantic comedy'-style love story (but remember, no OOC shmoop!). - submitted by
supes_ *89. Sirius writes his own Snape/Black fic. Snape sees the story before it's finished and does not approve; he demands some drastic changes.
Feel free to go for meta and/or parody with this one, and be as serious or as cracky as you like. Bonus points if the story Sirius tries to write is one of the other prompts from this fest (whether one of mine of somebody else's). - submitted by
supes_ claimed for fic by
meiko_chan **90. Somehow, Sirius gets turned into a puppy and ends up stuck in that form. It's up to Snape to get him turned back to normal.
Sirius will most likely not be happy about it, but he can at least use his form to annoy Snape... i.e., chewing up his slippers/newspaper, whimpering until he gets his way when Snape makes him sleep on the floor... that sort of thing.
Bonus points for Snape carrying Sirius around by the scruff of his neck at some point.
Also, if you include any pr0n (which really isn't necessary), it must only be after Sirius has been turned human again. (I mean, really... pr0n with a puppy? ew.) - submitted by
jedipirate claimed for fic by
eeyore9990 and art by
hill_ (collab)
Now, about collaborations.
We haven't had many signups yet, so I'll leave it open until Nov 30th. If you've found someone you want to work with and they with you, email me about it -
** I'll pair the remaining people up and email the participants about it on Sunday Dec 3rd.
** People doing collabs can also claim prompts individually.
** Collaboration partners can use the prompts, or come up with their own idea. Collabs to be posted in
12am_nosh anytime during the month of March.
** Any questions, please comment below or email me.
If there's any mistakes I made in transcribing the prompts, let me know...