Prompt: Calm Before The Storm

Apr 17, 2007 13:04

Title: Wait
Character: Dean
Rating: G
Author Notes: Set in S3, spoiler's the big secret of Sam's.

Dean hated to wait. It abso-fucking-lutely sucked. Which is one of the reasons why Sam hated to have him on a stake-out. He had to jingle his keys, shake his legs and oh yes, bite his nails - another reason for Sam’s dislike.

He supposed it started years ago. Waiting for his father to return, wondering if this was the night he did not. And later, waiting for the bad guys, wondering if this was his night to die.

Waiting, wondering if Sam would turn evil and kill him.

If he could kill Sam.

Fuck this calm before the storm shit.

prompt:calm before the storm

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