Flying Deutsche or "Pandora and the Flying Dutchman" 2.0

Mar 01, 2016 00:34

Via Очень загадачаная, если не сказать мистическая, история о мумификации пропавшего в 2009 немецкого путешественника, чью яхту нашли дрейфующей в Филиппинском Море.
1) Естественная мумификации в предполжительно сыром климате данного района (хотя официальные лица утверждают обратное). Об этой странности рассказывает данная статья: "Manfred Fritz Bajorat and modern mummies: How climate conditions affect mummification"
2) Жена путешественника, с которой они разошлись незадолго до исчезновения, умерла от рака.

Сразу же на ум приходит очень трогательная эстетская история "Пандора и летучий Голландец" ( Ссылка на фильм (русское дублирование) с описанием.
.The mummified body of a German adventurer has been discovered inside an abandoned yacht

The body, found slumped near the boat’s radio telephone, has been identified as 59-year-old Manfred Fritz Bajorat.
Inspector Mark Navales said the cause of death was unclear, but there were no signs of foul play.
“It is still a mystery to us,” said Navales, adding it looked like Bajorat “was sleeping”.
It is yet unclear how long Bajorat had been missing, but sightings of him have not been reported since 2009.
Forensic examiners concluded that Bajorat had died more than four days before the yacht was found on Thursday by fishermen in the Philippine Sea about 62 miles from Barabo.
Items inside the yacht were scattered, according to Navales, who said the man’s wallet was not found but that the yacht’s radio, GPS and other valuable items were still there.

Local police spokeswoman Goldie Lou Siega in the Philippines said: “We have no evidence of a second person aboard and no weapon was found on the yacht.”

Dr Mark Benecke, a forensic criminologist in the German city of Cologne, told BILD newspaper: “The way he is sitting seems to indicate that death was unexpected, perhaps from a heart attack.”

Officials said dry ocean winds and the salty air helped to preserve his body.

As authorities tried to put together the circumstances of Bajorat’s death, details of his private life have started to emerge, according to The Sun.

He began his travels with his wife in 2008, but the couple subsequently split up. She later died from cancer.

In 2009 Bajorat is said to have met another sailor, identified only as Dieter, who told BILD that Bajorat was an “experienced sailor.”
“I don’t believe he would have sailed into a storm,” he said. “I believe the mast broke after Manfred was already dead.”

The German embassy in the Philippine capital, Manila, has been notified and is now working on locating Bajorat’s family.

He is believed to have a daughter who works as the captain of a freight vessel.

Продолжение истории. Интуиция меня не подвела - истроия действительно имеет мистичекое и любовное наполнение . Путешественник оставил трогательную записку жене. Скорее всего он не хотел жить (на этом свете) и испытывал интенсивные перживания способствовшие столь странному процессу смерти и мумификации... Эта история достойна кино...

Mummified German Sea Captain Left Emotional Love Note To Wife

The German adventurer whose mummified body was discovered last weekend left a final emotional love note to his wife, it has been revealed. The mummified body of German sea captain Manfred Fritz Bajorat was found by two fishermen last weekend - just 50 miles from the Philippines.

But a final note was discovered alongside Manfred’s body - in which he gave an emotional farewell to wife Claudia.
He wrote: ‘Thirty years we’re been together on the same path. Then the power of the demons was stronger than the will to live. You’re gone. May your soul find its peace. Your Manfred.’ Manfred’s body was discovered seven years after he was last seen - and was discovered alongside the emotional note.

It is believed that he was married to Claudia before he broke their union to go travelling. She died of cancer in 2010.
It isn’t known what caused Manfred’s death - but a heart attack is believed to be one of the likely possibilities.

mystery, 2016, on english

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