Apr 19, 2005 15:56
I am still plugging away at the new house...got the floor installed and still need to finish grouting part of it...it is a lot of work but at least it is mine....the job still sucks...I need to get something else but I need it to pay me about between 45 and 50k....I know that seems like a lot but I gotta be able to pay what I pay now....this is in the area I am in now...the kids are growing like a pair of weeds...my 3 yr old like to use works like perhaps and actually an awful lot....this morning his older brother whom I dubbed barbeque chicken....hey you try waking kids up when they dont want to get up....so I was playing with him and chasing him around when Zaner P my youngest round the corner around him and yells sieze that barbeque chicken...after that I could not stop laughing long enough to catch him.....where do they get these things....well I guess I really need to spend more time on my journal...TTFN