Apr 01, 2006 15:55
The only loser in the I Hate College Club
but apparently I should "stop complaining"
if you only knew...
In accordance with the most fucked up year of my life, I've had to start looking for appartments, which I'm actually rather excited about. At least now I won't have to invite the Amherst Police Department into my personal life. Jesus.
Spring "Break" ended up with me being a big fat homeless burden on all of my friends (Steph <3 <3 <3) and landing my ass in Millard Suburban on a Saturday having a sonogram like a pregnant lady (re-affirming my desire to never have children).
I quit smoking weed. Almost.
Now, I'm back at school and in the home stretch. Mid-term grades were wonderful (proving I am still The Shit in at least one aspect of my life), and I talked to Natalie today...preping her for The Big Move. Now I just have to make sure that I will be able to work full time at Avenue when I get home. Things are looking a bit better on this side of the fence. I think I'll be ok.
I locked myself out of my room this morning (my roomate's out of town)and had to go all the way downstairs to enlist the help of an RA while in my ugly pajama shorts and bare feet. And there was a tour going on. I felt like a winner. Good thing the RA didn't spot my roomate's bong chillin on the dresser, or we would've had a whole new set of problems.
I should be out and about but I'm enjoying being alone and lazy. I'm a shadow of my former self. This too shall pass?? I friggin hope so...