Jul 03, 2007 22:26
WTF?! I don't know about other places, but for WHATEVER-FUCKING-REASON the North Shore of Boston (thus being the little grouping of towns on the coast north of Boston up to NH) does their fireworks on July THIRD. Which pisses me off, because I had to work tonight until 10pm, and the mall is specifically closing tomorrow night at 6pm because it's the FOURTH of July. Which, if anyone is confused, is when they're SUPPOSED to do fireworks. Never have I ever seen this done anywhere else. Not when I lived in New York, not in Maine. One theory is they do it a day early so you can go see fireworks someplace else on the fourth. But because all of the surrounding towns do it on the third, you need to either go to Boston, New Hampshire, or Maine to see them. So... where's the sense?
Another thing that's pisses me off about the way they do them around here is that they'll display some for about three minutes, then stop. About five minutes later, they'll do another three minute set, then stop. Another five minutes go by, they come back for three minutes. WHY?!?!?! Again, in neither of the other states I've lived in have I seen this. Granted, New York is well funded and they put on a good show. But even ATHENS MAINE puts on a better and smoother show than this. Which makes the North Shore look bad, because there's alot of money here. Apparently they buy a bunch of fireworks, but can only afford to pay monkeys to set them off.
Anyway. Time to make dinner and sleep. I work 9am to 6:30pm tomorrow.