Jul 20, 2002 10:48
hey im down the shore in LBI (long beach island).. its pretty fun my cuzin Eliza is with me so thats cool ;] ummz im bored as hell forrealz uhhh she went to bed already damn its early we usually up till like 2am. im kinda mad she just went to bed :\ now imma have to go to bed earlier bc ill get bored stayin up alone and iunno if my pop wants me on the computer :\ he's gay bout that Lol but neways we went to the beach toady.. it was pretty fun. umm and last night we went to some kind of play it was good but it was so fxcking long 3 1/2 hours . my g-mom made us go n it was HOT and UNCOMFORTABLE!!! ummz well iunno ill prolly stay online for another 30 minz and then get offline..
Jayson i miss you so much ;\ i saw this place its called 'Jayson's Pancake House' ;x i was like ahhh its spelt the same ;x i miss you so much :[ I love you ;\
tomorrow im getting up early and going to this flea market thing its pretty tight i heard so yeh imma go wit eliza and my g-mom..
aight well i guess thats all i gotta say oh and i hate aly ;x lol shes annoying and sneaky n ugly ;x and umm yeh eddie has a gf lol its cool though were friends hes like i have to approve of every guy u date im like haha bc i kno he wont approve of no1. and stuff but yeh i said aiight vice versa and i didnt approve of his new gf iunno kno her! so yeh.. but umm imma go <3 no1 is online and no1 to talk to. aight late
-1 Luv-