Jun 21, 2006 15:55
I thought I was a goner today. The train I was on-- it went bonkers. I heard three explosions. I remembered those hungry-looking, gigantic sniffing guard dogs patrolling the LRT that morning. ONOZ. Bombs! But then I realized bomb explosions should have been louder by bajillion decibels. If it were a different occasion, I would have thought I was only hearing someone playing those huge drums they use at pep rallies.
Then people started panicking, running away from the end of the train from where the sounds ensued, praying to God, Allah, Mohammed, Batman, and the Powers That Be. I reached for my cellphone, hoping to call my parents to inform them that their precious, perfect daughter may be in mortal peril (though I know it was going to be a lost cause seeing as how the train managed to break down near Katipunan station of all places), and I saw the clock. OHHOLYFUCKINGSHIT. I was going to be so effing late. I woke up super early and I was going to be late! And for a 10-unit subject! ZOMGZOMGZOMG! That was my main concern while people were going mad to try to save their asses.
Of course I was scared too, but I could have sworn I wasn't as terrified as one should have been. I only felt cold for a few seconds, thought about going to hell, cursed, and told God I'm sorry. And that was it. I checked my so wonderful, oh-so-amazing name plate that signifies that I survived that stupid cut-off, ahem,ahem, and told my self that in the event that I was going to die, my parents will be able to identify my piteous, drawn, yet touchingly attractive corpse.
Smoke was then filling the train, and people tried their damnedest to open windows and obnoxiously push their way to the only open door, because their lives obviously meant more than all the others. I stayed in my seat, and only when LRT people informed us to vacate that I stood up to join the hordes of humans.
To make the story short, eventually I did arrive at the school an hour and a half after the start of the subject. My worried, but not panicky, parents sent a driver to bring me to school because I'm dedicated and heroic like that (I was sick in the first place; I deserve a medal.) My prof is a lovely person. I explained to her why I was late and she was kind about it. I think I'm going tom love her subject.
1. state rule
2. make your list of "6 weird things/habits"
3. pick 6 people you wanna tag and have the world see their names at the bottom of the list
4. The 6 people you tagged are gonna have to write an entry about their list
My List:
1. I like Coldplay, but sometimes they freak me out. When the vocalist sustains this high note (Oh and aaaaahhhaaaahaaaaay I wish that I could work it out), I am reminded of some nightmares I have.
2. I am deathly afraid of pain, but it turns out, not much of death. (see above)
3. I used to call my new block "Twilight Zone". (hello, Julie ^^;)They are far more academically active than my former block, and I was like, what the..? The eagerness to learn and do things the "right way" somehow freaked me out. A friend, whose name rhymes with "Amela Ose", theorized there might be robots or aliens involved. So there. Although I'm learning to like my new block (hello, Julie) already. They are nice, after all.
4. I once saw a white rat (yes, white) in the middle of the road here in UST. It seemed like an omen of some sort. I pondered and pondered and pondered. I still don't know what that was all about.
5. I don't have a friendster. (That freaks most people out.)
6. It turns out I can almost but not quite finish a report on Capillaria philippinensis in just an hour. I think I'm becoming more and more adept at cramming.
I tag anyone.