Apr 10, 2006 23:13
heyy guys! what is upp? well its spring break, holler !! so friggen excited. today started very shitty to be completly honest starting at 530..am. got in a huge arguement with my parents and the whole yelling crying thing ya that was alllll there. great huh?! well i was supsoe to go to skating this morning but after all that i just didnt go. and since i was sooo mad/upset i took the bus to school and went to meghans house for some cheering up before school and of course she did a great job as usual. umm then i went ta school and foudn out my 0 period teacher wasnt coming in, greattt...not. so i walked aimlessly around bhs for a while. um the whole being in school thing wasnt that bad. afterschool had skating. then went out with tha girls and met up with MAD people. well at first we walked to first and noone too cool was ther we walked up to the pool hall to see keith and matt then left like 5 minutes later that was well completly pointless but whatever. so then we leave and call up one of my old time buddies and ask for a ride to hudon and of course he agreed to so we were realll lucky. when we got to hudson, MAD PEOPLE. like a good 35/40 but ofcourse cops messed everything up and kept kicking us out whereever we went, ugh such losers. then some of us split in diff directions but still there was alot of people and i met soooo many new people and they were reallyyyyy cool. <33 i love em. um then at like 1045 i started to leave cuz i had to be home at 11, gay. but still later then i usually have pathetically. buttt cant complain.so we got picked up again and got rides home from ppl and what not which was cool, no walking involved, score! yeah so day 1 of spring break was a total success. one thing for sure...tomorrow will be completely INSANE. i cannot waitttttttt. love yous. <3xo_♥