Maybe my last post here

Mar 09, 2022 11:35

Hi everyone!

I am doing well, but kind of lost the momentum for posting a while back. I'm spending a lot of my time regaining my health, and walking a lot. I've lost close to 70 pounds since last July, and feel pretty darn good. Retirement is treating me well, and I have no real desire to work again, though I did sign on to teach a summer class with our part-time nursing program.

I have heard that LJ may disappear in a few days due to the war and all the nasty stuff the Russian government is doing. It would be sad to lose this, but as they say, all things must pass.

I am also on Dreamwidth, and you can find me there under the same name--Zyzyly. I'm not really posting over there either, but I might...

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