May 2--a 90-day supply

May 02, 2021 06:38

My plan was to post every day for this final semester, so I could capture what it was like. I didn't do that, and now there are only 17 days left in the semester, and at the end of that, I will be done.

The semester has been uneventful. I was back in the hospital with my students, and the rest of it was all online. I had pre-recorded my lectures, so there really wasn't much to do. Lately, I've been putting together stuff for my successor, whoever that may be. They won't start hiring until after the semester is done, and I will be gone. I'll come back and orient them, but they won't be able to pay me. It's a dumb system.

El Capitan, in Yosemite. We spent the weekend up in Yosemite a few weeks ago. A couple of my sisters were up there, so we got to spend siblings day with them. They rented a cabin, and I barbecued some pork tenderloins.

I spent a good chunk of April out exploring and taking pictures. Kind of a retirement test-drive.

I started out the month in Death Valley, wandering around in the wilderness. I needed the solitude to get my head straight. I found a great bbq place just outside the park boundaries in Gardnerville, Nevada.

I took a day trip across the Sierras and back. It was too late for snowy landscapes, and too early for wildflowers, but I like the drive.

Other than the trips, I've been pretty reclusive. That's what I got out of the pandemic--an extreme case of social distancing. I'm going to need to work on getting out and seeing people again.
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