May 17, 2008 16:08
so lately things have just been fucked. its ok though. everything seems to happen for a reason. sometimes to make a bond stronger, or maybe just to make someone stronger. either way. so im afraid ill have to disappoint all my friends who had such high hopes in me. yes i have slipped. i have fallen. and i like it. at first i didn't see how i was going to be able to take charge over the occurrence. however since something so similar has happened to me in the past, i cant seem to .... to... well you know what i mean. i used this sentence today talking with Justin, thank god for you kid. Lisa is one lucky chic. i feel like a dry erase board thats been wiped clean.
making a commitment to myself to not let any one person envelope me in such a pattern as before. its well BORING!!! to those of you ... the very very few who know know what type of changes are being made, please by all means congratulate me on my excess of endorphins on my new adventure :) because the change is back to what i used to be, with a quite extravagant IQ change of course. haha.
all i can say is that whatever happens, happens, and ill just have to remember to not let anyone take this away from me again. i used to be fun. and i am now, again. fuck the wifey shit. its dumb and boring and it fucking HURTS!