Wed : My father was discharged.
Thu - Fri : His breathing continued to be difficult. Bouts of breathlessness came and went, while he was alone at home as I worked, and after I came home from work.
Sat : He literally had a seizure and lost consciousness for about 5 seconds. During that five seconds, his eyes were wide open, staring skyward while his mouth was gaping for breath, face distorted in agony. His arms flexed inward. Throughout the episode, I remained calm and collected. I grabbed him, calling out to him and identifying myself with reassurances that things are ok. He came back. But after the seizure, he seemed fine. Of course, one or two bouts of panting when exerting still occurred.
He is tired of being admitted. If I were him, I would be too. But he needs to have a chest X-ray. The plan is to let him rest enough tonight and bring him to the hospital later tonight or tomorrow. We need to find out the root cause of his breathing problem. Is it the haze? Is it the infection in the respiratory track? Is it fluid retention in the lungs? Maybe he would be safer in the hospital, or maybe not.
(Complaint: Doctors and nurses in government hospitals are way too overworked to give enough attention except for the critical cases. I.e., one's medical condition needs to worsen to the critical limit to get the attention one should have had that would have avoided the downspiral in the first place.)
My sister is staying with us these two nights to help out.
I still have easily 3 days' worth of back-logged office work to be completed in slightly more than 1 day. I have taken 3 days' worth of urgent leave in the past two weeks. Meanwhile, my workload remains the same and my deadlines remain the same. When is my next break? The flat is getting filthy (the way of nature), the laundry is never-ending (because of me) while the car is in need of a wash (haven't done that for 2 months). My hair-cut is still waiting...
I feel cornered at all fronts. I am staring skyward searching for the way out... Perhaps I was gasping for breath this afternoon too.