(no subject)

Sep 11, 2002 20:06

*watches the war come to an end on the tv and then thinks about the events*

Much like my lir's thoughts, on the subject. But why do we fight? Is it because of pride? Ignorance? Fear? I would believe all three contribute to the cause.

Pride in your own culture and way of life compared to someone else's. Pride in itself is not a bad thing, but when twisted into a warped sense of it, that pride becomes over powering and can block the ability to have a clear mind. And when it overtakes you, it is harder to have an open mind about another culture.

Ignorance? People raised on ignorance of another culture and thus tend to believe that they are better than the other. But, if taken and taught the ways of another, would this truely change anyone? Perhaps, perhaps not. Would it depend on the person and if they were willing to learn from them? I believe so.

And fear? Most likely the biggest cause of war. People are scared of what might happen, so try to make it seem like they are stronger than they are. Is this such a bad thing? Perhaps, perhaps not. If the weak showed just how scared they are, then the proud, ignorant would take advantage of them; use them; twist them for their own diabolical purposes. But to let that fear drive you to doing things that harm innocent people without a clear cause? It's not something that should be done. Lives should not be lost, taken early, ended without business finished.

So before you start another war for no reason, think about the results, the consequences, the world that you leave to your children when you pass on. As a parent, do you really want to put your child in a position of pain, suffering, turmoil, devistation, and unhappiness? When you know that you could've helped to prevent it by just trying to get along with other's better and not start wars?
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