Aug 31, 2013 14:26
So, now, of course, I'm stir crazy. When I make decisions, I want to run with them. I don't see process, I see decision and end. Blargle fuck.
Tomorrow I plan to test bake a cookie recipe that Daniel gave me to see how it turns out. I am feeling stress about that because tomorrow is Sunday and my Father will be in the house and he causes me great stress. Hopefully he'll fuck off in the morning/afternoon so I can bake in relative peace.
This evening/afternoon I will be going over to Terry and Debbie's house for Saturday burger and a movie night. Haven't been over there in a couple weeks. So, that'll be good.
I just feel very on edge. I don't know if it's just the coffee or if it is the coffee/stress/other that is going on currently. Hmm. I need more caffeiene. brb...
Okay. BAck. Laptop snafu was restored by new LJ tech. Coke Zero Vanilla is actually palateable, surprisingly. I thought I would never be able to drink Coke Vanilla again.
I watched about 8 hours of SATC yesterday. Gevalt! Now I'm watching more to quell the squirrell brain. This show is cray. OMG Hodges from CSI is in this episode! Dafuq! Why didn't I watch this show when it was on tv? I wish I could be more like these girls.
I feel overwhelmed by my life. I'm gonna start doing a lot more thinking. More importantly, I'm gonna start actually taking action. I've been a doormat for a long time now and that shit is not okay.